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  "Gentlemen, the time has finally come. Our troups are ready and prepared to attack. By tomorrow's sunrise he's going to be executed by our men."

  After managing to fall asleep, Taehyung had all sorts of nightmares. He dreamt of Jeongguk leaving him once he found out about his secret, screaming and cursing at him which caused Taehyung to shoot up in his bed multiple times during the night, completely drenched in sweat and panting heavily. The procedure repeated itself again, again and again until it was early morning and the omega decided to just stay awake. Getting up slowly, he headed for the bathroom. Also, his heat had calmed down and was almost completely gone by now. Sighing, Taehyug stared at his reflection in the mirror.

This was all his fault.

If he hadn't been so stupid, Jeongguk wouldn't feel so disappointed and betrayed by him now. Why didn't he just tell his mate? Why had he feared rejection so much when keeping it a secret had an even worse outcome? Due to all these thoughts, Taehyung had completely forgotten that the royal blood would always accept him no matter what happened between the two of them. Gripping the sink in despair, the omega clenched his jaw, wanting to turn back time and correct his mistakes.

"Shit.." he cursed, banging his head against the mirror.

But Taehyung knew that wallowing in sadness and desperation wouldn't bring his mate back. Yeah, his mate... his Jeongguk.

"Fuck, I've read too many fanfictions to know that it'll only get worse if I don't talk to him now!" Taehyung gritted his teeth and rushed back to his closet to throw on some wearable clothes.

»If that ain't the most truthful thing you've ever said.«

»Shut up, wolfy!«

The omega didn't even bother to grab his phone on his way out, only slamming the door shut and sprinting down the hallways of the boys' dormitory. He needed to talk to Jeongguk as fast as possible or—

Taehyung stumbled as suddenly the whole building shook a few seconds, making him fall to his knees due to the shock. The faint sounds of objects hitting the floor filled his ears while small stones on the ground jumped around. Once the dormitory stopped shaking some moments later, his heart skipped a beat and his breath got caught in his throat.

What was that?

It took him some seconds until nervousness and fear bubbled up inside of him. That explosion didn't sound like a student's or teacher's work. Rushing to the next window, the blonde immediately looked for the place where the explosion had been. Once he spotted the smoke, he tensed with panic. Taehyung's eyes went wide and he suddenly felt nauseous, tears of terror pooling in his now blue eyes as he saw the horrendous scene infront of him.

The smoke was directly coming from Jeongguk's dormroom.

Only seconds later, every single door in the whole building flew open and the students ran out, screaming and crying for help. Everyone rushed past him, not caring about the omega who was glued to ground, neither could he move due to the immense shock nor bring himself to look away from the scene. His bottom lip quivered, feeling his heart ache painfully. This couldn't be, right? Their last conversation didn't end in a fight, right? His vision became blurry with tears as tiny sobs left his mouth.

'Why Ggukie? Why did this happen? I still wanted to tell you that I like you...' Taehyung thought, nails digging into the palm of his hands.

Due to his blurry sight, the omega almost missed the three people who appeared as the smoke was mostly gone. Taehyung's eyes widened, choking momentarily from what he was seeing. He hurriedly rubbed his eyes, not believing his sight. Opening his eyes again, the blonde's eyes got teary again but this time the reason was happiness. Because one of the three people who were battling each other in Jeongguk's destroyed room was his mate. Sniffling, Taehyung quickly wiped away the tears and watched the royal blood, not spotting a single scratch on his body.

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