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  "Morning, hoes." Seokjin yawned after plopping down on his chair in the cafeteria.

"Morning, bitch." Jimin responded, not looking at him as he continued to shove food into his mouth.

"Where were you, Jin-hyung?" Taehyung, who was sitting on Jeongguk's lap once again, asked.



As the rest continued to chatter about stuff, the blonde felt the vampire lean against him, burying his face in his back. Taehyung giggled softly and turned a bit so he was sitting in the royal blood's sideways and then gently made Jeongguk's head rest on the juncture of his neck before starting to stroke his hair.

The royal blood immediately drew him closer and Taehyung's breath hitched when he felt the other's brush against his skin, making a comforting warmth spread through his body. He kept on combing his fingers through the vampire's brown locks while gently rocking them back and forth, not realising that Jeongguk's eyes became droopy and soon fell shut completely.

"What? Didn't I tell you about—" Jimin stopped abruptly when he saw his cousin asleep against Taehyung, a smile forming on his face.

The others followed his stare and copied him, the omega eventually blushing from the stares. Not wanting to be the center of everyone's attention, Taehyung tried to make himself small but a small grunt of Jeongguk made him halt and look down at him. The royal blood hadn't moved a bit, a cute pout adorning his face in his sleep, a few strands of his hair falling into his face. The blonde couldn't help but smile fondly, earning himself a cute bunny-like sniffle after booping Jeongguk's nose.

"Alright, lovebirds, time to go back to classes." Hoseok announced and Taehyung blushed bright red at the word 'lovebirds'.

"W-we're not lovebirds..." he mumbled embarrassed.

"Oh, we aren't?"

Taehyung squeaked as Jeongguk stood up all of sudden, quickly wrapping his hands around his neck to not faceplant himself. The blonde pouted angrily while the vampire looked at him with a smirk, finding him adorable.

"If you were awake all the time, then you should've just said so..." the smaller boy pouted after Jeongguk let him down.

"But that would've been no fun, right?" the royal blood grinned and marched off to their classroom, the rest following eventually.

After classes were over, the small group met outside of school and walked into the woods together while chattering about random topics. Taehyung was walking next to Namjoon at the very back, not really listening until the conversation became interesting.

"Guys, you remember the photo of that alpha werewolf?" Seokjin said excitedly and the omega's body tensed up immediately.

"There's the spot where the picture has been taken!"

"Seriously Jin, all of this is nonsense. Werewolves are just a joke, the government probably tricks us or something." Jeongguk shrugged.

Taehyung's gaze fell, suddenly feeling his heart clench. Why did he not believe in werewolves? And what if he told him one day and he wouldn't accept his other half because he thought they were all weak cowards? Tears welling up in his eyes unconsciously, Taehyung gulped.

"So here was the spot, huh?" Seokjin mumbled after the group halted and looked around.

"Oh my god, can you just shut up about it? I'm sick of having to listen to your bullshit!" the royal blood sighed, earning himself a slap to the head.

"You should shut up, what if that werewolf is near us and wants to eat you now because it heard you talk bad about him?"

"As if."

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