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  Ever since the incident a week ago, Taehyung made sure to always quintuple check his dorm room for unwanted bats before locking himself in the bathroom to change. Some might think he went crazy but how was he supposed to react when a royal blood used his bat form to invade his dorm, watch him change and almost beat him up for some ring he didn't even have in the end?

In school however, nothing much had changed. Jeongguk and his group still beat him up if they had the chance to do so. The omega did manage to escape the royal blood from time to time but whenever they found him, he got beaten up even harder than before and by now, Taehyung didn't even know anymore how his body looked like without all those bruises and blotches.

Currently, classes were over and hurriedly, Taehyung packed his bag and fled out of the classroom, hoping that Jeongguk wouldn't come after him. But the omega was wrong, just as he was about to speedwalk down the stairs, hands held him back. One on his shoulder and the other on his mouth. Taehyung panicked and tried to free himself but the grip only tightened, making tears collect in the corner of his eyes.

Suddenly, his vision completely blurred and Taehyung saw everything rolling by in fast forwards. The next thing the blonde realised was that they were in a dark hallway, all alone without Jeongguk's friends. The vampire let go of him and before Taehyung could even register what happened, he suddenly wasn't able to properly see and breath anymore, even though Jeongguk hadn't even hit him yet. His mind buzzed and his head was spinning, feeling like he was about to vomit as he stumbled forwards. Suddenly, Taehyung came in contact with a chest and although he knew it was Jeongguk, he still gripped onto the vampire's shirt to balance himself or else he would've fallen.

The omega frantically tried to stop the insane headache, breathing transforming into erratic pants as he rested his face in the crook of Jeongguk's pale neck, the faint warmth that radiated off the vampire's skin somehow helping him to calm down. Much to Taehyung's confusion, Jeongguk hadn't moved a single muscle and just stood there, letting the omega rest against him. Slowly, the blonde's vision came back and his erratic breathing calming down slightly.

His senses gradually began to function again however as soon as Taehyung breathed in, his eyes snapped open, almost flashing blue as he inhaled the vampire's scent. He breathed in again, Jeongguk's scent numbing his senses anew and Taehyung felt his mouth water, even his wolf stiffened inside. Why did he abruptly feeling the sudden urge to sink his canines into the other's neck and mark him?

Letting out a shaky breath, Taehyung closed his eyes and inhaled the vampire's strong scent like it was some kind of drug, pressing himself even closer to Jeongguk. The flinch that pervaded the younger's body once the omega's lips brushed his neck went unnoticed by Taehyung. The blonde's mind was clouded by the other's scent and he unconsciously darted his tongue out and licked over the juncture of Jeongguk's neck.

Immediately, the vampire forcefully shoved him away and Taehyung shook his head, slowly regaining control over his senses again. Once he did, he looked up and his eyes widened in shock, slapping a hand over his mouth when he realised what he'd just done. Taking shaky steps back, Taehyung quivered heavily until his back hit the wall, squeezing his eyes shut, expecting Jeongguk to beat him up.

"Tch, just how weak are you that you can't even withstand my vampire speed?" he hissed and by the time Taehyung had opened his eyes, the vampire was long gone.

"W-what just happened..?" he asked quietly, still in shock as he blankly stared forwards.

"A-Arctos, w-why did I—" he stuttered quietly, reaching out to his wolf who had been suspiciously quiet ever since they met Jeongguk.

»I don't know...«

»You don't know?! Ugh, great. Hopefully this doesn't happen again because the next time he's gonna kill me for sure.«


»Hey, what's wrong, Arctos? You've been so awfully quiet these days.«

»M-me? Quiet? It's, uh, nothing...«

»You're a bad liar, y'know? Come on, tell me.«

»I... I can't. At least not now... Please, Tae, I need to figure this out on my own...«

»Oh, uh... sure! Take all the time you need, Arctos.«


A little confused, Taehyung got up and began to walk back to his dorm to finish homework and other stuff, wondering what his wolf was trying to figure out, not knowing that a certain someone was watching him.


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