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An hour later, the class made its way to the school's pool for PE. Jeongguk, Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin walked along their classmates, chattering with each other except the royal blood who wasn't in the mood to talk. He kept looking around expressionlessly until he heard Taehyung talking to their classmates a few feet away.

"Why do none of the vampires have their swimming gear with them?" the omega asked innocently.

"You don't know? Like for real?"

"I don't," Taehyung answered shyly, "at home no one really told me anything about vampires..."

"No need to be embarrassed, Tae," a girl smiled. "It's because vampires can't go into the water because its cleansing effect slowly kills them. If normal vampires get in touch with water, they instantly get paralyzed and drown. Drowning isn't the reason they die though, it's the water itself."

"Yeah, Jimin as a pure blood might be able to move a little but he said he would never take the risk." another classmate continued.

"And as for Jeongguk, I think water wouldn't affect him that much and he'd easily be able to attend a PE lesson. But I guess if you keep him underwater for a long time, not even he could withstand it."

"Oh wow, I didn't know that!" Taehyung confessed, amazed by the fact that vampires had a second weakness after sunlight.

"But how can they shower or bathe without getting paralyzed?"

"From what I heard, they pour some special herb liquid into the bathtub so the water doesn't harm them."

"Oh, interesting!"

"Guys, now that we're talking about it, I've never seen Jeongguk take part in swimming lessons." the girl thought out loud.

"What? Why?" Taehyung queried.

"He's probably scared that his royal blood ass won't be able to take the water." another boy cackled and the group Taehyung walked with broke out in a laughing fit, everyone except the blonde who just gulped and looked down.

Jeongguk's eyes flashed red as anger boiled inside of him and he balled his hands into fists. How dare they disrespect the strongest kind of vampires like that?! A murderous aura surrounded him, his friends eventually noticing his sour expression.

"Gguk, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked bewildered, not understanding what happened.

"Hold my bag, I'll show these bastards that a royal blood isn't fucking scared of water." he growled and threw his bag at Jimin before using his vampire speed to run back to his room and get his swimming gear.

"Why in the world is he so stubborn and competitive?" Jimin sighed and together they walked inside the building where the pool was in.

The class except the vampires changed in two separate room which had the blonde panicking at first. But when the teacher allowed him to use a private cubicle, Taehyung was quite relieved since he didn't really want to explain to the rest of the class why he had two genitals. Also, the omega was able to take scentblockers without anyone noticing since he had to take his necklace off. After they finished changing into their trunks and bathing suits, the class gathered inside.

The blonde had put on a pair of black trunks combined with grey shirt since he wasn't comfortable enough to show his fragile body. When Taehyung entered the grand room where the pool was, excited whispers and murmurs of the girls filled ears.

"What's wrong with them?" he mumbled and squeezed himself through the crowd to find out what they were whispering about.

Once his eyes laid sight onto the cause of the class's noises, they went wide instantly and Taehyung felt his cheeks become hotter. Right infront of him stood a half naked Jeongguk, just wearing trunks. The omega cursed himself for finding the guy, who almost bullied him to death, breathtakingly hot. But he couldn't help but stare at his well defined abs, his thick thighs and his sexy body in general.

Suddenly, Jeongguk walked towards him and Taehyung immediately tore his gaze away, cheeks still covered in a mild blush. He flinched as the royal blood halted infront of him and although the blonde wasn't meeting his gaze, he could feel the vampire's glare burning holes into his skin and a menacing aura surrounding him.

"You better watch, you weakling, I'll show you that not even water can stop me." Jeongguk growled and Taehyung flinched, nodding hurriedly.

The teacher whistled to get their attention, telling them to swim a few laps as a warm-up. The class complied obediently and lined up to jump into the pool. Jeongguk was the first one and even though Taehyung didn't want to admit it, he did worry a little about the royal blood even after all the things he'd done to him.

As soon as the teacher signaled him to start, Jeongguk dove into the water. Immediately, hundreds of tiny thunderbolts surrounded him, wandering over his pale skin and along the water surface. The class gasped and sent him worried looks but the vampire kept on swimming like it was nothing. Hesitantly, the rest jumped inside aswell and soon, they finished the laps. The blonde kept on glancing at Jeongguk in concern, the tiny thunderbolts still surrounding him because his skin was wet.

For the rest of the lesson, nothing happened and the royal blood was doing just fine until the last ten minutes. The class was practicing the backstroke and from time to time, Jeongguk felt his arms get momentarily paralyzed. However, he only grit his teeth and continued the exercise but the longer it went on, the slower he got as the paralysis got stronger and stronger.

The rest of the class was already done and the teacher was praising the students for their hard work while Jeongguk turned for his last lap, not noticing that Taehyung also wasn't done yet. As an omega, his body didn't have much strength and stamina so exercises like these were pretty hard and exhausting for the blonde.

The royal blood was about halfway done when he felt his arms go completely numb and suddenly, his whole body was paralyzed, causing him to sink to the ground. Jeongguk only rolled his eyes, knowing that the reason why his energy was drained that quickly was because he hadn't come in contact with normal water for a long time as he waited for someone to pull him up.

Seconds later, that someone dove down and Jeongguk flickered his eyes over to his savior, only for them to widen and flash an angry red the closer Taehyung came. The omega almost flinched at the royal blood's intimidating glare but he reached his hand out nontheless, gently grabbing Jeongguk's wrist as he dragged him up to the surface. After swimming to the edge and pulling the vampire out, Taehyung was panting and coughing heavily, trying to catch his breath while Jeongguk regained his ability to move again.

"I would've been able to do that on my own, you fucker!" the royal blood snarled and Taehyung clenched his hands into fists, sending him a hurt glare.

"I just saved your life! How can you still be so ungrateful?" the omega snapped and glared at Jeongguk.

"Now you're talking back, huh? You know what that means."

Taehyung felt shiver run down his spine and fear spread through his body as the vampire's eyes darkened, showing that if he was able to, he would be more than ready to murder him.

Quickly, the omega scrambled to his feet and hurriedly tried to escape by walking outside with the others. But he was naïve to think Jeongguk would let him run. Instead, a large hand on his shoulder held him back and Taehyung found himself in a familiar, but dangerous situation again. An abandoned corner outside the building and it was just him, a furious Jeongguk and his friends.

Or was there someone else watching them?


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