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  After the train arrived at school again, everyone grabbed their suitcases and headed for the dormitories. Well, everyone except Taehyung. No matter how hard Jeongguk tried to shake him awake, the omega wouldn't wake up, so the royal blood didn't hesitate for long and carried him to his dorm, supporting the sleeping boy with one hand under his ass while the other one dragged his suitcase. After arriving at his mate's dorm, he searched for his key and opened the door once he found it.

The vampire stepped inside and put the suitcase onto the floor, careful not to make a noise and laid the key on top of the boy's desk. Then, Jeongguk walked over to Taehyung's bed and gently placed the omega on the mattress, quickly discarding his shoes and socks afterwards. He chuckled as the blonde let out a whine, hands balling into little fists and feet kicking cutely. So the royal blood dipped down and peppered slow but hot kisses all over Taehyung's collarbones, causing the omega's breath to quicken in his sleep.

"My pretty baby.." Jeongguk whispered against his skin, sucking an extra dark hickey into his neck that should be visible tomorrow.

"Sweet dreams."

With that and a peck to Taehyung's forehead, the vampire finally got up and pulled the covers up to his mate's chin. But just as he wanted to leave, a small box with pills caught his eyes and Jeongguk halted. He remembered seeing it before. Those were the pills he held for drugs before they became friends. Now everything crashed down on him. His stupid actions were the reason Taehyung had to talk with Mrs. Kang, Jeongguk remembered exactly how scared his mate had seemed back then, fear had practically been written all over his face.

But after Taehyung returned to classes that day, the topic had been completely dropped. Mrs. Kang had made sure everyone knew the pills weren't drugs and that they didn't spread any false information. Even though it seemed like the ones that were involved had already forgotten that it happened but Jeongguk clearly remembered. And now, he was even more curious. However, forcing Taehyung to tell him wasn't what he was going to do. Smiling, the vampire walked back and kissed the omega's soft lips again.

"I know you'll tell me when the time is ready." he whispered against his lips and then quietly exited the room.

  It was a week later and Taehyung was almost going insane. Not being able to wake up beside Jeongguk was pure torture. The omega found himself freezing every time he woke up even beneath thick blankets and the first thing he always did was pout and groggily call for the vampire only to find out he wasn't there. The blonde didn't even know it was possible to miss someone's presence that much ever since they were forced to sleep apart from each other, didn't think it was possible to long for someone's touch this much. The omega once had even started to sob lightly because of that. Well, and today was one of those days again.

Taehyung was sprawled out on his bed, naked, panting and sobbing as he needily bucked his hips, hand stroking his hardened member with quick motions. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head thrown back while he released lewd moans, imagining a certain vampire thrusting hard and fast into him. The blonde's other hand was tightly fisting the bedsheets, knuckles already turning white from how hard he was holding onto them. Taehyung's breathing accelerated as his thighs began to quiver uncontrollably and he cried out once the pleasure became too intense.

His toes curled and his back arched deeply as his release spurted out of his cock in form of ribbons. Tears of pleasure ran his puffy cheeks and it took Taehyung a few minutes until he'd completely calmed, slowly sitting up then. A surprised whimper left his mouth as he realised how wet the sheets were and the omega gulped, face burning in shame when he spotted the mess he'd made. But to his defense, the blonde didn't know he could cum this much with his vagina.

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