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  Taehyung woke up by someone gently kissing his cheeks over and over again. He opened his eyes a tad, seeing Jeongguk infront of him, a dazzling smile adorning his face. The omega grumbled tiredly and nuzzled his head back into the vampire's neck, loving the warmth and the bewitching scent.

"Baby, no," Jeongguk chuckled. "We gotta get you dressed."

"Don't wanna.." Taehyung mumbled and wrapped his arms around the royal blood's neck.

"Tae, c'mon. I don't wanna miss breakfast." the vampire mumbled and the omega began feeling a little guilty since he didn't want Jeongguk to miss breakfast.

"Okay." he yawned cutely.

"You should shower first, alright? We're at the same table as yester—"

"Stay." Taehyung pouted, looking at Jeongguk with big, pleading eyes to which the vampire chuckled.

"Alright, you big baby. Want me to help you undress, too?" the royal blood asked after kissing his temple.

"Mhm." Taehyung nodded tiredly, feeling himself getting carried into the bathroom and lifted onto the sink where Jeongguk gently removed his shirt before pulling down his pants.

He halted upon spotting the beautiful blue pendant. Had Taehyung always been wearing this? Shrugging it off, the royal blood wanted to take it off, but his mate stopped him. Not knowing why Taehyung wanted to keep it on, Jeongguk just moved on.

The omega could barely keep his eyes open, not even noticing how the vampire halted when it came to his boxers. Biting his bottom lip, Jeongguk pondered how he he'd remove his sleepy mate's boxers without accidentally seeing what's underneath. It took him a few seconds but then he came up with an idea. The royal blood got up to grab a towel and then made Taehyung stand up, wrapping the fabric around his hips before sliding his hands under the towel and cautiously pulling his boxers down.

"All done, now go shower, yeah?" Jeongguk smiled and gently patted the blonde's butt to get him moving.

"No.." Taehyung sulked and hugged the royal blood tightly. "Not alone."

"Y-you want me to shower with you?" Jeongguk voiced out his mate's thoughts and became a little flustered when the omega confirmed his question by nodding, hiding his face in his chest.

The royal blood was aware that Taehyung was practically still half-asleep which was probably the reason why he suggested something so bold. Jeongguk hesitated. A part of him was ready to rip his clothes off and take care off his sleepy and very adorable mate but another part of him kept telling him that this was wrong and he shouldn't take advantage of Taehyung like that even if it was his idea. What if the omega suddenly came back to his senses and got scared of him for actually taking a shower with him?

"I-I don't know, Tae.. I'd rather not," Jeongguk mumbled. "I think you should shower alone—"

The vampire's eyes went wide when Taehyung began placing slow, open-mouthed kisses all over his jaw, hands sliding down to his loose shorts and dipping inside. The royal blood's breath hitched as the omega lazily traced the outlines of his dick, his other hand gliding under his shirt and feeling up his muscles.

"T-Tae.. don't—"

The words in his throat died when Taehyung glanced up at him, doe eyes big and sparkly, begging Jeongguk to stay. The vampire gulped, his mind torn.

"Please." the blonde suddenly whined, tiptoeing to press a chaste kiss to the hesitant boy's lips.

The royal blood was completely taken aback, his face glowing a dark shade of red and he quickly nodded flustered. Taehyung let out an adorable 'yay' and kissed him again before happily waddling to the shower. Jeongguk's face was beyond red now and his heart was drumming against his ribcage, threatening to jump out.

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