xiao ▪︎ {sick}

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I  l o v e  this artist so there will be alot of there pictures

I  l o v e  this artist so there will be alot of there pictures

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"I refuse."

"Please please please!"

He sighs and looks at you. His amber eyes penetrating yours.

"I will not let you take care of me. I am fine."

You pout and look at the ground. Xiao had gotten sick and claimed that he was fine and didnt need your help. But he didnt look fine. His skin was pale and his voice was dry. He looked drained and weak. You wanted to help him but he wont budge.

You storm off to a room in the inn. More specifically your room that you were staying in. You lived in liyue but would come to vist verr goblet and xiao. You and xiao grew close from these visits and you could even now say that you were friends.

You think that you might me his first friend. But who knows. Hes 2000 years old.

You tidy your room a bit. You leave and go back to the balcony where xiao was sitting. He coughs into his hand and leans back against the railing. You dash over to him and grab his wrist.

"What are you doing y/n." He states sternly.

"Get up." You say tugging on his arm. He closes his eyes and sighs, standing up. His sunset eyes meet with yours.

"What." His voice is strict and firm. You would be lying if you said that you wernt intimidated. You muster up the courage and walk back inside with him.


You ignore him and bring him to your room.

"Sit. Please." Your voice was stern at first but then you realized that he could kill you with a single strike, so you added the please.

He huffs air out of his nose and plops on the bed.


"Lay down."

He looks at you confused. Slowly he leans back and rests his back against the pillows.

"Ok! Now rest!" You say getting an extra blanket of a shelf and tossing it over him.

"Im leaving." He says as he sits up

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