dainslief▪︎{what i like}

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Brooo so for some reason i am now randomly simping for dain??? I ain't complaining tho he hot af.
And istg, if he comes out soon i probably wont be able to get kazuha😭 so dainslief pls just wait a while.

And istg, if he comes out soon i probably wont be able to get kazuha😭 so dainslief pls just wait a while

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Dainslief didnt want to move right now.

He just wanted to lay here with you for hours.

Your sleeping figure, held gently in his arms, was all he wanted for today. He didnt want to get up, or do anything, he just wanted to gaze at you and softly comb through your h/c locks.

Gentle rain sputtered against the window pane. The sun wasnt visible from the clouds and dense fog.

Occasionally, the wind would howl and make the rain slap against the house, sometimes gently alarming him.

He knew that the rain wasnt going to do anything, but the sudden noise made him flinch.

He was praying that you wouldn't wake up from him doing that. He wished to have you sleep longer, as it was better for you.

The soft a pillowy blanket covers the both of you, keeping the warmth under the covers. His eyes flick down to you. You seemed to be twitching your arm in your sleep.

"Is she dreaming? Hopefuly its a good one."

He takes his hand that was brushing your hair, and gently sets it on your cheek.

He rubs his thumb in circles, gazing at your sleeping frame.

He shifts his position slightly, making you rest your head into his chest more as he brings you closer.

He closes his eyes and rests his lips against the crown of your head.

He loved laying with you. Even if he didnt quite understand what he was supposed to do, you always praised him and told him that he was so warm, and that he was a great cuddler.

He always got so flustered when that happend. His heart would race and his face would turn pink. You would tease him about and he would get even more flustered.

He smiles as he remembers the first time you were cuddling.

Dainslief wakes up slowly, with an unfamiliar force holding him.

His eyes open swiftly as he jolts up. In the prosses he noticed that you were sleeping, clinging onto him.


He sighs apologetically.

You gaze at him confused, but he then pulls you into a hug.

"Sorry. I forgot that we were sleeping together."

Your heart bursts as you hug him back.

"Aww, its ok dain, your so warm and soft, and you are a great cuddler! Are you sure you havent done this before?"

Dainslief blushes, from the nickname, and the compliment.

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