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There are no cyno oneshots and it makes me cry

Also I think hes a spear user bc if u look at the teaser thingy hes holding a spear like weapon sooo uhhh imma have alot of spear users on my team🤡

Also I think hes a spear user bc if u look at the teaser thingy hes holding a spear like weapon sooo uhhh imma have alot of spear users on my team🤡

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The wind drifts through the sky, bringing the clouds and dust along with it.

The night was chill, while the days were warm

The small house you and cyno lived in was silent.

The bed only had one person in it, worried arua radiating from them.

You glance at the clock, it was late night, around 11.

Cyno would usually be back from his studies already, what was taking him so long?

You glance out the window next to the bed.

The stars twinkle and shine, along with the full moon.

You rest your head against the window. You wanted to lay down and sleep, but you were worried for cyno.

You thought that maybe he just forgot about the time, and hes still at the academia, or maybe he fell asleep at his desk.

Or did something nad happen to him?

Theres a bunch of hillichurls, although hes very strong, people have there limits.

You wondered why hes wasnt home yet, there were meny possibilites.

You stand up, deciding that your going to look for him.

Getting your vision and your weapon on the table, you had to the closet to change into some more suitable clothes.

You wanted to just go out in your nightwear, but that probably wasnt the best idea.

You clip your vision to your clothes before taking your weapon and heading to the door.

When you approach, the door knob jingles.

Turning you attention to it, you watch the door open as cyno walk In.

He was in his normal apparel, but he was soaking wet.

His silver hair was flat, covering his face and sticking to his skin.

The usual clothes he wore was soaked, weighing it down.

His eyes meet yours, the blood red color locking with your e/c eyes.

His expression softens as he sees you standing at the door.

He walks forwards, clothes sagging and dripping water all over the floor.

He engulfs you into a large hug, casuing you to yelp.

"Cyno! Your clothes are soaked what happend?"

He tightens his hold on you, nuzzling into your neck to find warmth.

He would probably be sick after this, the nights had a chill to them, and if he was wet it would only make it worse.

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