dainsleif▪︎{stellar savior}

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This bitch needs more appreciation hes so hot like 😩🙏🙏🙏And not to mention hes smart as hell

Tw: blood, imprisonment, mentions of being used as an object

Tw: blood, imprisonment, mentions of being used as an object

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It was cold.

It was harsh.

It was painful.

It was lonely.

It was inhumane.

It was unbearable.

It was unfair.

The stellar chains bound to your wrists and ankles, one around your neck as well, imprisoning you to the cell of darkness.

How long had it been since you've seen the light?

The cold, rock solid ground stained with blood near your figure.

Your e/c eyes had lost their glow long ago, just an empty husk of an immortal being.

Blood dripped from the corner of your lips, it wasnt anything you werent used to.

Your body weak and frail, emotions ripped out and stolen from your slowly dying heart.

You had no wishes or wants, your mind had nothing to think about. It was all dull and dark, the only light your able to see is from the small lantern outside your cell.

Everything you've ever had, ripped from your grasp and tossed away like an empty wrapper.

You've been treated wrongly, being used as an object of experimentation.

All of the hundreds of years you've spent in this cell, you have never seen the light once. It was dark and the only contact you've had with "people" are the abyss mages and harelds that come to experiment on you.

Every time it was only more painful, testing your resistance to elements and shock tolerance.

You shuffle slightly, the chains clanking together as you bring your gaze to the sound of footsteps.

There it stood, in all its glory.

An abyss hareld.

It showed the silver key it held, an intricate design engraved over the now weathered metal.

"Y/n." It says, its voice twisted and distorted in sinister ways.

You duck your head down, cowering from the abyss monster.

"Its time t-" its voice was cut off from a large force being thrown at it.

The abyss hareld toppled over, the key dropping onto the floor and slipping through the cracks of the metal bars trapping you in the cell, the key now resting right In front of you.

You hear a strong masculine voice as some weird kind of dark magic wraps around the twisted monsters neck.

It struggles, gasping and choking for air as the magic tightens around it.

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