random drabble

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So idrk what I'm doing here but I draw a pic, then make a little oneshot after it so uhhh 🤡

Btw im not doing all of the charaters bc there wayyyyy to many

Also I'm trying to change my writing style up a bit so if it gets better or worse tell me

Dainsleif(idk if the I is infront or the e)

Your e/c eyes peer open groggily, the sleepiness washing over your body as you begin to awake from slumber

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Your e/c eyes peer open groggily, the sleepiness washing over your body as you begin to awake from slumber.

Turning your tired body around, your met with the face of your beloved, dainsleif.

He sleeps on the plush mattress next to you, his beautiful hues of turquoise and rich blue shut in tranquility.

The expression on your face softens at the sight. Who knew someone with so much hatred for the abyss could sleep so cutely.

Starting to wake up more, you shuffle slightly so your in a more comfortable position.

The squishy white blanket drapes over his bare chest, showing his broad shoulders and toned back.

He had such a beautiful shape. All of the fighting and battles he has with the abyss has kept him fit, and it paid off well.

His chest slowly rises and falls in his breathing pattern, lips slightly agape as he sleeps quietly.

Oh and his lips, they were soft and plush, just perfect for him.

Despite dainsleif being quite cold and serious, he was a big softy for his soulmate.

You bring your finger to his lips, softly brushing your thumb against it. He twitches slightly to your touch, causing you to hold in a small laugh

His blond messy locks frames his face, as if he was looking this beautiful on purpose to tease you.

He shuffles in his sleep, groaning softly as he turns around, showing his back to you.

The blanket fell off of his body more, letting you see his muscular back.

You place your hand on his shoulder blade, feeling his silky skin against your fingers.

He had so much body heat when he was sleeping, so naturally winter was your favorite season.(I hate winter I cant hold body fat too well so I literally freeze outside)

Your arms snake around his waist, not leaving his skin as you press against him, nuzzling your nose into the nape of your neck.

He takes it a large breath as he moves again, statting to wake up he lifts up an arm he slowly turns around towards your figure.

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