zhongli headcannons

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This is just like the chongyun headcannons, sfw at the top and nsfw at the bottom

▪︎zhongli doesnt quite know what's hes doing sometimes and doesnt know the effect

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▪︎zhongli doesnt quite know what's hes doing sometimes and doesnt know the effect.

▪︎sometimes he'll be very touchy, and he really wasnt trying to do anything.

▪︎he'll go through cycles of emotions, sometimes he'll be distant and others very clingy, it's just based on his mood.

▪︎he doesnt get stressed to often, but when he does you offer him to lay on your lap, and tell him to go to sleep.

▪︎he will take the opportunity, but he'll make sure that you are comfortable.

▪︎he likes it when you sit in his lap, it makes him feel like he can protect you but keep you close.

▪︎he doesnt like when you go on commissions by yourself, he doesnt want you to get hurt.

▪︎he really appreciates when you help him with something, whether it be work, relaxing himself, fixing his hair, or just when he asked for your opinion on what he should do.

▪︎hes a very gentle person, he wont be aggressive and like soft hugs, overall very wholesome.

▪︎if u ever feel down, he pulls you into his lap and mutters encouraging words into your ear while brushing your hair.

▪︎he trusts you alot, enough for you to be around childe.

▪︎so pls, dont go breakin this man's heart ;-;

▪︎you beg him to bring out his rex lapis horns and tail, and when you do convince him, your all over him.

▪︎his face is really flushed and he cant make proper sentences

▪︎sometimes you deliver xiaos pain killers for him, he used to ask where zhongli was but over time he grew accustomed to you

▪︎when hes had a rough day, the first thing he wants to do is cuddle with you or you lay in a glaze lilly field with you.

▪︎you both sing to the glaze lillys before picking them(that's so cute to me😩🙏)

▪︎you listen to his story's of liyue, he sometimes gets lost in the story and it can drag on for hours.

▪︎his worst fear is losing you when he didnt know that you would leave, when you cross paths but he wasnt there, that's why he wont let you take commissions by yourslef.

▪︎you find it very amusing that his arms are completely different then his normal skin

▪︎you like to trace the lines of gold with your fingers.

▪︎he still hasn't gotten used to some words, like "I love you" when you do say them, his heart races and you can hear it if your close enough.

▪︎he gets major butterflies when you smile


▪︎sometimes he'll bring out his rex lapis horns

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▪︎sometimes he'll bring out his rex lapis horns

▪︎likes to go slow, and savor the moment, but if u tell him to go faster this bitch will rock yoUR SHIT

▪︎long makeout sessions😩🙏

▪︎he got magic hands😳🤚

▪︎hes very gentle

▪︎if you start to cry from overstimulation, he'll wipe your tears away and as soon as your done he'll comfort you the best he can

▪︎mostly a top but if u wanna top then he will let u.

▪︎he likes to grab your hips

▪︎he doesnt like it when you keep talking

▪︎loves it when you use his real name(morax, rex lapis)

▪︎he smells like a silk flower

▪︎he wont tease u much, he thinks that this moment should be savored and not messed with.

▪︎his pull out gang is weak

▪︎cannot control himself when u give head

▪︎he starts to shake like a washing machine.

▪︎"if....y-you wouldnt mind....can you g-go.....f-faster...."

▪︎This bitch has to talk like a European explorer from the 1700 his his "iF yOu WoUlDnT mInD" lookin ass

▪︎he likes to gently place hickeys over your shouders.

▪︎gets hard as a rockkkkk lmao

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