🍋tohma▪︎{he deserves it}

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Oh and if ur reading g this from the future when tohma is out, this probably isnt actuate bc this was started on 6-24-21

Stars scattered across the sky, ribbons of silver and white striped and swirled through the thick bands of black sky.

Leaves from the native inazuman trees russle through the nightly breeze, dead leaves dancing in the wind as they flutter down to the plush grass.

A small lantern placed at the edge of the nightstand, a faint, yet calming light muffled from the textured glass.

The weight on the bed shifted as you feel your beloved shuffle under the thick and soft covers, softly patting your shoulder.

"Hey, are you awake y/n? You just got into bed and your sleeping already?" Tohma whispers, still able to hear the baritone undertones in his voice.

You turn over slowly, hair falling from your shoulders. You werent sleeping, just laying there.

"I'm awake, I havent gone to sleep yet." You speak as you lay on your back, intertwining your hand with his.

Tohmas silky and smooth hair was out of the tie, let loose and falling in his face, framing him beautifully.

He wasnt wearing his horn headband either, it was probably resting on the mahogany wood nightstand.

"Mnhhh come here." He speaks as his arms wrap around your back, lifting you from the plush mattress and into his arms as your body stayed limp.(idk why I find this interaction so adorable but I do)

Nuzzling closer to his chest, he holds your tenderly yet firmly.

You sit up properly as tohma pulls you into his lap, making your back rest against his chest as his arms hug you tightly.

His nose is pressed into the crook of your neck, he shuts his eyes as his body relaxes.

Hes been stressed out lately.

Tohma had had lots of work to do, and wished to spend more time with you.

He wished to forget about the work, and go on walks through the islands with you, and make matcha cakes, watch the storms together. He wanted to spend time with his lover, yet work had him tied down.

He knew you felt lonely without him, you did your commissions and some other errands throughout the day, then came home fairly early.

Yet tohma was leaving before you woke up, and coming home later than what's considered normal.

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