xiao▪︎{those eyes}

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"Please...you cant."

Xiao pleads her as they stand in the outskirts of wangshu inn's forest. The moon shines brightly along with the stars.

His voice tembles and cracks.

This is the only time shes seen him like this.

He was a mess.

His hair was messy and knotted. His clothes are tattered and dirty. His face show a look of heartbreak. Tears were brimming in his eyes.

"Please y/n. Please!"

He yells at her grabbing her shoulders.

"You cant!"

His voice becomes full of despair.

"Xiao..." she states solemnly.

"Its tonight. I cant. I love him."

Those words send daggers into his heart. Each one stabbing him with pain radiating from the wound and out. His breathing quickens.


Xiao hasnt yelled like this in centuries.

"Im sorry xiao. I cant."

Her expression shows that she is truly sorry.

She was getting married today. Xiao only noticed his feelings for the h/c girl once he wouldnt be able to see her. His heart ached at the scene of her and her husband getting married. He couldnt stand it with all his being.

He wanted to be your first kiss.

He didnt want anyone else to kiss you. Just him and only him.

He cant let her husband take the first one. He wants it.

So, his hands gently travel to the sides of her face. He gazes into her e/c eyes once more.

Those dammed eyes

The ones that he fell for.

The ones that he loved...gone now.

He told himself to never fall for a human, because they are ruthless.

ZENITH▪︎{Genshin Impact Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now