chongyun▪︎{spirits} part 2

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A loud bang woke you up

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A loud bang woke you up.


The sound is followed by another bang. With groggy eyes you sit up a bit and turn to the front door, where the banging was coming from.

"Hey chongyun!! Wake up sleepyhead we gotta go!!"

The strangers voice lingers in your head.

Where does chongyun have to go?

The door was suddenly kicked down. On the other side there was a boy (who almost looked like a girl) with dark blue hair. He wore a blue shirt and shorts. His eyes widen as he looks at you.

"Um. Chongyun is in his room." You say while pointing to the hallway.

The boy ignores you and sprints to the back.

"Chongyun! Chongyun! Theres a ghost in your house!!"

Oh right he cant see or hear me.

You hear chongyun and the boy talking. Although it was muffled, you could here that the boy was telling him that theres a ghost in here.

Soon enough they walk down the hallway. The boy is hiding behind chongyun as he approaches you.

"Xinqiu. Yes i am living qith a ghost but you dont need to be afraid of her. She cant hurt you." Chongyun states as he seems a bit annoyed. Probably because he was woken up from yelling.

"Can you hear me?" You ask while tilting your head to he him better.

After a moment of silence, chongyun speaks up.

"Ok so Xinqiu cant hear you." He says.

"She talked?!!" Xinqiu yells.

You stand up from the couch and the blanket falls off you. As a result Xinqiu yells again.

"Wait. Prove to me that this is a ghost. I dont believe you. Theres no way the all mighty exorcist chongyun could be in a ghosts presence." Xinqiu folds his arms and glares at chongyun.

"Y-your an exorcist?!" You ask confused.

"Hey! Dont worry! I-im not gonna do anything!" Chongyun says while putting his hands up.

You were now scared that your were going to get exorcised. and thats the last thing you wanted to happen. You were trying to get out of this mess and chongyun was going to help.

Is he really now?

Thoughts raced though your mind as chongyun kept saying that he wasnt. He was so kind, why didnt he say this sooner. A ghost and an exorcist. Not the best match.

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