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Yes I'm writing another lemon for him

What are u gonna do about it?

Ya tohma gets railed by y/n so prepare yourselves

Ya tohma gets railed by y/n so prepare yourselves

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Tohma can be rather clingy sometimes

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Tohma can be rather clingy sometimes. And yes, you love him, but it can get a bit annoying sometimes.

You know that it's just his personality, but it is quite adorable

You recently have been working and doing more things, not spending nearly enough time with tohma.

This caused him to actually be worried. Usually if you were neglecting him even in the slightest, he would be really touchy and wouldnt leave your side. This would bring you on track and then the problem was resolved, but you didnt go back to usual, you were very busy so you couldnt exactly make more time, since it was all being used up.

So he begain to worry that he was the problem. Did he annoy you so much that your avoiding him? Did he do something that he wasnt supposed to? He couldnt quite figure out what's wrong.

He asked you rather cutely, even if it wasnt intended that way it certainly came off like that.

He was fidgety and he couldnt make eye contact with you, asking if he messed up.

It took you a moment to understand but when you did you immediately felt terrible.

You have just been so busy with work and extra activities that you've been asked to do, that you and tohma couldnt hang out or go on dates.

You hugged him and told him that you were sorry, telling him that when everything was finished up, you would make sure to give him your full attention.

He hugged you back and thanked you, his ears and tip of his nose turned pink since he felt so fuzzy from your words.

Most of your work had been finished, you just had one thing left.

That one thing, was tohma.

And here the both of you are, door locked and the curtains closed, only light came from the light outside the door, making it hard to see what's infront of you.

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