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Aether is my comfort character PLS hes so adorable and just like letting him hug u while u tell him what's going on in life just feels like an absolute dream omg I love lumine but I wish I chose him😭🤚

Aether is my comfort character PLS hes so adorable and just like letting him hug u while u tell him what's going on in life just feels like an absolute dream omg I love lumine but I wish I chose him😭🤚

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Birds chirping, trees rustling in the wind, foxes wandering around and picking berries off bushes, the warm sun beaming down on the windows of your shared bedroom, it was early morning in qingce village

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Birds chirping, trees rustling in the wind, foxes wandering around and picking berries off bushes, the warm sun beaming down on the windows of your shared bedroom, it was early morning in qingce village.

The curtains filtered out the gleaming light, leaving the room to have a warm honey color to it.

The white sheets were crumpled from the 2 masses laid on it, pillows near the top of the bed as the puffy blanket was pulled up, close to the couple's chins.

Aethers warm golden eyes had peeked open, taking a moment to adjust to the soft light in the room.

He slowly rolls his body over, staring at the ceiling before glancing in your direction.

His eyes soften as the meet with the back of your figure, wearing his grey t-shirt.

He softly sighs, his expression turned tender as he shuffled so he was laying on his side, facing you.

You would both usually cuddle together, since aether was a fairly busy person, he didnt have much time to spare for you.

But since you were facing away from him, he knew what was happening already.

Now you wouldnt call it depression, but you would get these times where you werent very confident in yourself, and overall just felt sad and wanted to just hide away.

Aether knew about these, and tries his best to comfort you. It doesn't help that you know about how much aether has to do, so when he makes time to take care of you, it makes you feel more like a burden.

When these times happend it made him sad, he didn't want to see you so droopy and melancholy.

He wanted his goofy and funny y/n back.

Carefully, he nuzzles into your back, his nose pressed to the crook of your neck as his arm slings around your waist.

Drowsily, your eyes open and you shuffle slightly, feeling aether behind you.

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