🍋xiao▪︎{fix it}

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Ok so yyxumi had this lemon oneshot book and I remember seeing a pic of xiao that was just😳 like I love bottom xiao and it only made it better so that was the inspo for this and if u saw the pic then u know what's happening here🤡
I think it was one of the more recent ones or somethinggggggg idk.

Also reader is top here bc there are to meny bottom ones like yes we want to be fucked but we also want to fuck.

Also reader is top here bc there are to meny bottom ones like yes we want to be fucked but we also want to fuck

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Xiao couldn't see right now.

It wasnt that he was blind, but more like there was something preventing him from seeing.

The house that you and your adeptus boyfriend lived in was not too quiet right now.

The curtains were shut and the door to the bedroom was closed.

The setting in the room was unique, it was dark and difficult to see, someone who was usually dominant, was now very submissive, and the air in the room felt hot.

One figure sits at the edge of the bed, another on their knees in front.

Xiao jolted from every move you made.

He couldn't see what was happening, and it made him feel very anxious. If you moved your hand, he didnt know if it was going back to that same spot, or a new one.

When you paused, he didnt know if you were about to do something different.

His hands gently hold onto your hands, trying to feel what your next move would be.

His mouth slightly agape, and hair messy, he jumps when you hands are planted onto his waist.

"Xiao, your on edge, relax, this is a time for pleasure."

His breathing hitched as you brought your hands back to what you were doing.

Pleasuring him with your hands made him groan and then cover him mouth with his hand

He whimpers as you tease him by softly brushing your finger tips against him.

His legs barely shake as your hands glide across his bare body.

His shirt was covering his eyes, tied behind his head.

His face was flushed bright pink, as the piece of hair that sticks up was shaped into a heart.

How did xiao get into the situation?


Recently you noticed xiao was being very shy.

When you gave him kisses, he let you take control and he backed down.

He also seemed very jumpy.

When you brushed up against him, he would jolt.

It made you think about what was happening to him.

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