diluc▪︎{come here}

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Bro i hit soft pitty in the normal banner and i got a fucking b o o k

I was really hoping for diluc but i guess not

So im making a oneshot just for him so he has to come home

Diluc was a hard working man

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Diluc was a hard working man.

He was always at the winery doing paperwork, working with the wine, or cleaning up the abyss mages at night as the darknight hero.

He was a kind person at heart but was locked away with thick walls from his past.

He never really talked about it and you didnt want to make him uncomfortable so you never brought it up either.

Out in public he never showed any affection and would just walk next to you.

But behind closed doors he is sweet to you and loves your warmth.

He loves sleeping next to you and will never let you feel bad.

He finds you more beautiful than anything hes ever seen.

He was very timid confessing to you but he got thought with it and afterwards was so relieved that he basicaly collapsed into your arms.

You were going to take your relationship slow and work out the bumps on the way.

The farthest you went was simple neck kisses and hickeys but nothing major.

In the mornings diluc would kill to just lay in bed with you all day.

You would sit in his lap as he worked. You would run your fingers though his hair.

He secretly loved it when you do that.

Right now diluc was in the wine cellars counting the barells of wine.

He has a clipboard in hand and marks the numbers of the barrels that need more.

He sighs as he runs his fingers though his hair.

He really wanted to lay down with you but he had to get this done.

Opening his tired eyes he gazes at a wine barrel.

He was stressed out and exhausted. He wanted to have someone else do this but he was short on staff and some had other jobs that needed to get done.

He breathes shakily as a stabing pain shoots his heart.

He sets his clip board down.

He stretches his arms above his head thinking he needs a break.

He walks around the underground wine cellar.

His footsteps were the only noise you could here.

He gazes at the stone walls and the sent of wine lingers in the air.

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