zhongli▪︎{what awaits you}

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The soft sunlight gently gleams over the grass, softly illuminating it

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The soft sunlight gently gleams over the grass, softly illuminating it. The tree over the two figures provides shade, while also letting the gentle breeze pass through.

They know eachother very well, a strong feeling of trust envelopes them.

The male with golden eyes and long brown hair glances at the female, watching her brush the petals of a glaze lilly.

Morax just started building liyue.

It was after the archon war, the female besides him had no interest in being a acrhon.

She claimed it was to much work for her, she wished to live without anything holding her down.

Yet, she still wanted to me immortal, so she could travel the world without having to worry about when her time will come.

His arm softly goes around her shoulders, holding her close to him.

She nuzzles into his touch slightly, making the butterflies bloom in his stomach.

"Morax." She asks as she turns her head to him.

He hums in response, locking gazes with her.

"You know, I have to get going soon. We cant stay here forever." She speaks as she leans her head on his shoulder.

He heart ached at the thought.

"I...understand. but why must I stay, why can I not travel the world with you." He asks as he rests his head on hers.

"I have to go alone, I want to experience eveything, then I will return. And you have a city to build."

He didnt want to ruin her fun, so he obliged to let her travel the land of teyvat.

"But...when will you return." He states with an uneasy feeling erupting in his heart.

"Who knows. It will be awhile though."

ZENITH▪︎{Genshin Impact Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now