dainsleif▪︎{tell me}

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Idk even know what to call this
Fluff ig?

You and dainsleif were dating for a couple of months

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You and dainsleif were dating for a couple of months. It was fairly smooth except for a couple of bumps along the way.

He would bring you traveling and when you wernt, you were staying at your house.

Dainsleif was a bit edgy but you loved him either way.

Sleeping with him was quite funny since hes never grown accustomed to cuddling and affection.

Though tonight you wernt cuddling to much. He fell asleep before you got in bed, and you didnt want to bother him so you just went to bed.

Waking up can either be nice, or dreadful. Today was neither for him

He rolls over groggily hoping to see your face, but your not there.

He sits up and gazes at the way, barely awake.

He heard water running, so he asumed you were in the shower.

He kicks the blanket off himself and stands up stretching.

Though, something caught his eye.

He turns to were you lay to find a blood spot on the white sheets.

Hes immediately put in overdrive.

Were you hurt?

But your in the shower.

What is someone kidnapped you and left the water running as a trick.

Millions of thoughts raced though his head.

He approaches the bathroom door.

He presses his ear against the wood, and hears you humming a familiar tune. He sighs in relief that you are safe.

But you were still hurt.

He wants to make sure your ok, but he doesn't want to invade your privacy.

You weren't too far in the relationship and were taking things slow.

He decides to clean the sheets as he wait impatiently for you to get out.

He pulls the fitted sheet off the corners of the bed.

The blood had dried so it means it wasnt a fresh cut.

He tosses the sheets on the washer and turn it on.

He walks back into the room and finds you out of the shower and in a towel.


Dainsleif calls to you startling you.

He grabs you by the shoulders and leans down to your height.

"Where are you hurt."

He states sternly and he scans your body for any visible cuts.

You realize that he saw the blood and you blush embarrassedly.

"Its nothing..."

"Tell me. Thats more than enough blood to know that something isnt right."

You gaze at the ground.

"Im fine. I really a-"

He turns you around and grabs you arms swiftly.

He holds them behind you back restraining you.

His other free hand holds your towel up.

"Tell me. Im not messing around. Was this just a joke?"

His tone was mocking.

You try to wiggle your way out of his grasp but you cant.

"I-ill tell you."

He stays silent.

"So...every week out of a month."

You pause trying to peice together your words.

"This happens."

He glares at you not believing a single word you said.

"We've been together for more than a couple of months. If this happens then i would have already noticed."

You sigh at him for being so dense. Has he never heard of it?

"Im speaking the truth, it happenes every month. But usually you have something to absorb the blood. I forgot to do that..."

Wondering if he'll ever realize, he asks another question.

"Does this only happen to you?"

He never gives you leeway to say anything except anwser his questions.

"It happens to every girl."

He hums in response.

"If you don't belive me, go ask someone."

He releases you from his hold as you stretch your arms.

"Now, one final question."

You glace at him annoyed.

He looks you up and down and stops and stares at your leg.

With a questioned look on your face you look at your leg.

A blood drop trails down.

In a hurry you run back to the bathroom and lock it.

Dainsleif stands confused in one spot.

His brain is working trying to figure out what was happening.

He decides to sit on the bed and wait for you.

Not too long later you come out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"Sorry for running off."

You say as you sit next to him on the bed.

He gazes at you before he speaks.

"One more question."

You look at him to meet his eyes.

"How do i help you."

Your heart bursts from his antics.

Hes too cute for you to handle.

You collect your self before responding.

"Can we just..."

You ponder for a moment before speaking.

"Can we just lay down for a while."

You say sheepishly.

With a faint smile he hugs you close and lays down on the bed.

"Does it hurt."

You lay on your side as he spoons you.

"S-stomach..." you speak wearily

He places his hand over your stomach and rubs it soothingly.

With a warm sigh you relax into his body and absorb the warmth.

Omg this one is so short

But dainsleif tho😳

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