aether headcannons

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This bby deserves more love hes adorable

Also, this might make some people mad but he gives me big dick energy

This bitch has fought a dragon and an ancient sea monster, has fixed problems that acrhons couldnt, is traveling across the entire world to find his sister, has to deal with Paimon everyday, literally has no home(he does if u wanna include the tea pot), has fought one of the strongest fatui harbingers, and beats his ass every week, gets hot guys and girls, AND hes respectful.

Istg hes the perfect guy



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▪︎when he's embarrassed he'll hide in his scarf

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▪︎when he's embarrassed he'll hide in his scarf

▪︎loves little kisses on his lips

▪︎he doesnt talk much but when your alone he likes to talk about random things with you

▪︎hugs hugs hugs

▪︎you travel with him sometimes

▪︎you also take care of him, sometimes he forgets to take care of himself. So he doesnt eat proper meals and stays up later than he should, so you keep him in check

▪︎he has nightmares occasionally and you comfort him

▪︎idk why but I feel like he would have very soft skin

▪︎loves it when you braid his hair or just style it in general

▪︎he likes to lay ontop of you

▪︎he likes it when you sit in his lap and hugs you

▪︎he nuzzles his nose into your neck when he spoons

▪︎big or little spoon he likes them both :)

▪︎you walk up behind him and squish his tummy fat(he gets very embarrassed)

▪︎you both have inside jokes with eachother

▪︎he comes back home hurt sometimes, so you heal him, make him food, and make him sleep early so he can feel better faster

▪︎(modern au)the both of u play minecraft together but hes afraid of the nether so you get the netherite and blaze rods

▪︎comes back with little gifts from his travels travels

▪︎paimon teases him and makes him flustered

▪︎usually has to leave for long periods of time, so when he comes back hes crying tears of joy.

▪︎"i-i missed much...."

▪︎when he came back after finding out that his sister is working for the abyss, and that she didnt want to come back to aether, he tried to act fine, but you woke up In the middle of the night to him crying his eyes out.

▪︎"sshhhhhh. Shhhhhh. It's ok aether... she still loves you. I still love you."

▪︎has a bit of separation anxiety

▪︎you squish his face in your hands

▪︎you cook together



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▪︎he asks you to not leave marks on his tummy but sometime you can't help yourself

▪︎embarrassed and flustered no matter what you do

▪︎when your both done he falls asleep almost immediately

▪︎closes his eyes when hes really embarrassed

▪︎name calling

▪︎not too big on teasing but occasionally does

▪︎y'all better do somethin with Paimon shes gonna be scared for life

▪︎he likes your legs

▪︎tries to hold his sounds In but fails

▪︎he forgets about everything that's happend to him so far and just enjoys the moment

▪︎likes it when you touch him

▪︎dont be mean to him it makes him feel uncomfortable

▪︎he got hard while u were kissing his stomach and he refused to speak to you or look at you because he was embarrassed

▪︎"if you dont like it...or if you feel uncomfortable...or...a-anything like that, tell me please."

▪︎asks for consent almost every second

▪︎he announces his climax

▪︎"y/n! Y-y/n!!!! Im....I-"(I cannot write out the rest of this or I'll have issues)

▪︎likes to put a lamp grass on the nightstand and turn the lights off

▪︎you mark up his chest because no one can see it, and he also likes it

▪︎overall really sweet and nice to you, and he tries not to hurt you

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