albedo▪︎{drowsy prince}

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The caption to this was "under a microscope"

And yes ik this is the 69th chapter but I wanna publish this

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And yes ik this is the 69th chapter but I wanna publish this

The sound of a steady beep fills your ears as your eyes peel open.

The bright light blinds you, making you want to close your eyes.

Your head pounded against your skull, making you groan as you shift your body.

Whatever you were laying on, was very squishy and soft. It was plush and almost fuzzy.

You hear faint voices, one of them sounded like a child.

"Ah! Y/nnnnn! Wake up wak-" a small voice of a girl rings through your ears.

"Klee dont yell!" A softer voice whisper-shouts.

You feel the object your laying shift, a new weight weighing it down.

Your eyes adjust to the light, seeing red infront of you.

"Y/n's awake!!! Brother albedo look! Hurr-" you see a hand clasp over her mouth as your vision finaly clears up.

You see klee leaning over you, albedos hand on her mouth so she will stop shouting.

"Klee? Albedo?" Your throat was dry and scratchy.

Klee's eyes light up, her shoulders going higher as she leans over you more.


Albedos arms wrap around her, lifting her off the bed and she whines and punches him.

"Dont do that, shes still recovering."

He sets her down on the opposite side of him.

You try to bring your hand to your head, but it was restrained by a cast.

You gaze confused as you sit up slightly, albedos attention shifts from klee to your drowsy figure.

"Ah, lay down y/n."

His hands push on your shoulders softly, making you fall back into the plush mattress.

You seemed to be in a hospital, an IV stuck in your arm.

Your bed was next to a wall, a decent sized window on the wall letting you see a view of the river surrounding monstadt.

There was a small base of flowers on the windowsill, cecila flowers to be specific.

"Mhghhhh...what happend."

Klee appears next to your head, now on the other side of albedo.

"Ooh! Klee will tell you!"

Albedo sighs as he pulls her backpack filled with bombs off her back.

"While you were doing a commission, a biiiiiiiiiig hillicurl camp attacked you and made you fall asleep, then in the middle of the night, master diluc found you and brought you to the hospital to heal you."

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