kaeya▪︎{cry it out}

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I remember someone requesting this and I forgot about it🤡
Also I love the meme above^

I remember someone requesting this and I forgot about it🤡Also I love the meme above^

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You've known.

He wasnt even discreet about it.

It was like he didnt even try, he probably didnt even care to be honest.

Why couldn't he just tell you that it's over, that would have been a much smoother ride than this route.

"Why...was I not what you wanted." You mutter under your breath, as you hear them behind the door.

You press your ear against the door, making sure that it was them.

And, there was no mistaking it.

He cheated.

You couldnt even pack up your bags, they were in the bedroom.

You aimlessly walk to the front door.

You wernt even affected by it, it was expected.

You open the front door and start walking, you atleast knew where you were going.

Steping on the leaves, hoping for a satisfying crunch, but they were soggy.

You kick the stones instead, slowly walking to the house that you knew very well.

The streets of monstadt were lively, you wernt though.

Why did he have to cheat, was I not good enough.

Or was it you, that didnt like what I offered.

Whatever it was that made you chose her over me, I dont care.

If you wanted her, you could have just told me, you didnt need to cheat.

You keep walking, on second though, did you remember where his house was?

You think that you do, but maybe you actually dont, and your going to a stranger's house.

Maybe that was the reason why he cheated, because your always with him.

But you dont have a relationship like that, you were just friends.

Even though he would tease you, that was just his personality, and he did that to everyone, not just you.

Was he that stupid, could he not realize that you and kaeya were just friends, nothing more.

Well, it was too late for that, he already left and wasnt going to realize.

You walk down the alley way, nearing the house.

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