zhongli▪︎{at last}

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So I want to make this into an x reader book but I dont need to bc I have 2 other books going on and I havent uploaded them in WEEKS IM SORRY

So I want to make this into an x reader book but I dont need to bc I have 2 other books going on and I havent uploaded them in WEEKS IM SORRY

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"I'll be off, see you tomorrow hu tao." Zhonglis smooth as velvet voice calls into hu taos office, bidding her goodbye.

"Okie doki! I'll see you later ya' old man!" He sighs at the nickname, adjusting his collar as he walks through the doors of wangshang funeral parlor.

The fresh breeze of liyue fills his senses as he shuts his eyes in a moment if bliss.

He hears the chatter of people and the calls of birds in the sky and in the brick street, pecking on leftover crumbs from food.

Shutting the door behind him, he hears the bell ring as he walks off, knowing exactly what hes doing today.

Years and years ago, he had someone he held so dearly close, and today was an anniversary for an event.

He wanted to remember that same way he felt, all of the emotions in that instance.

So, he was going to find glaze lillys and silk flowers.

He knows that she adores them so much, making flower crowns for eachother when they had free time, which was almost never since this was during the acrhon war.

He felt safe with her, even though zhongli is an extremely strong individual, it just gave him a sence of security.

They would ride on azdahas back as they walks through out the lands, resting her head on his shoulder as he put an arm around her.

Could they be considered more than friends?

He doesnt know, and his memory had faded of her...

It hurts him. He wants to remember all of those beautiful and fun memories that he shared with this mysterious person, yet, he couldnt.

Their face was blurred and their voice was inaudible.

He couldnt even remember their eye color, was it brown? No, blue? Maybe hazel? Hes tried so hard, but he cant remember a thing.

For the day that he does, or hes able to see those eyes of theirs one day, and hear their voice, and see their face light up when he would hand them a bouquet of glaze lillys, that would be the best day of his life.

He doesnt understand this mortal feeling in his chest, the throb of his heart and the tightness in his chest when he sees their face, it makes him feel so odd.

He was young back then, and though he wasnt naïve, he still didnt have the full complexity of these emotions.

As zhongli approaches some glaze lillys in a cluster near a rock in the harbor, he starts to think about all of the things that happend.

Dark thoughts and images raced through his mind, only making his heart throb more as he shakes those thoughts away, kneeling down into the grass.

He hums a sweet melody to the flower infront of him, almost a soft blue glow radiating off of it.

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