childe▪︎{snow day}

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Bro it dont snow in Texas but my guy😳we actually got record breaking snow

Anyways that made he come up with this so all u childe simps can thank the snow

Also instead of putting what genre the fic is im just gonna put if theres any trigger warning

Also instead of putting what genre the fic is im just gonna put if theres any trigger warning

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Childe wakes up slowly as he hears shuffling in his bed.

He cant quiet make out whats happening but he opens his eyes and blinks.

He leans up and rests on his elbows, looking at where you would be laying.

He finds you leaning over the headboard and staring out the window with a fascinated look.

"Y/n?" Childe questions as the fluffy duvet falls off of him.

"Its snowing! Look childe its snowing!!"

You shout as he smiles warmly.

He sits up properly and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your back.

"Your so cute."

You ignore his words and continue.

"Childe! Lets go outside come on!!" You yell like a little kid wanting to play in the snow.

He lets go of you as you jump off the bed.

You sprint out of your shared room and to the front door.

"Wait y/n!"

Childe shouts as he tosses his legs over the edge of the bed.

He starts sprinting towards you in a hurry.

You open the front door and gaze out at the snow.

The white flakes dance in the wind as they delicately fall on the ground.

The trees are covered in ice with icicles linning the roofs edge.

However, a cold wind blows at your fluttering your hair and sending goosebumps down your body.

Yelping you cover yourself as you are only wearing one of childes shirt.

Before you get too cold the front door shuts and childe cradles you.

"Dont go out there in that. You'll freeze to death."

His hands rub your back creating warmth.

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