❗PLATONIC❗qiqi▪︎{a new friend}

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Hi this chap is PLATONIC!!! there is no romantic attraction in this oneshot, just y/n taking care of qiqi.

If you feel like something in here was suggestive, you can tell me and I'll fix it bc qiqi is a child

And I remember someone requesting a platonic qiqi but u couldnt find u so sorry🤡

And I remember someone requesting a platonic qiqi but u couldnt find u so sorry🤡

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Death is scary.

But its inevitable, no one but immortals can escape the end of life, but even they must end at some point too.

Ways of death vary, each one terrifying and tragic.

It's a difficult topic to talk about, once someone has passed they arent coming back.

But, there are situations where the rules bend, signifying you, a zombie.

You were killed long ago, then brought back out of pity from the adepti.

Experiencing death, then mysteriously brought back, it was a difficult experience.

But over the years your become accustom to it, just a faded memory.

And as you bring a zombie, your memory is worse than having a crit dmg artifact and rolling the flat def everytime.

You forget everything, where you last put something, if your supposed to be somewhere, forget the names of daily items, it's quite the hassle.

Hence you have a small notepad, little stickers over the cover gifted from ganyu and yanfei, your best friends. You could never forget them, but their written their name down just in case.

And as you were talking to ganyu one day, you learned that theres another zombie in liyue harbor. You wanted to find her, mostly to see how she copes with memory loss.

"Theres a zombie in liyue harbor, have you heard about her?" Ganyus sweet voice calls to you.

"Hmm....zombie in liyue.....I dont think so." You reply back.

"Ah, shes quite adorable. I think you 2 would get along quite well. Her name is qiqi, shes a small child that gathers herbs for bubu pharmacy. Her caretakers name is baizhu."

"Slow down!! I need to write this down."

And here you stand, in liyue harbor. You had a map in one hand, your house marked on it so you could get back without getting lost.

The streets were busy, people walking around all over the place, shops selling things and advertising, calling people over to sample products.

You weave past them, now walking to the area of bubu pharmacy.

Wait, what was the girls name again...I forgot already...

You take your notepad from your pocket, flipping through the pages before reaching one with the title, "zombie girl at liyue harbor." Under the title there was some info on her, name, where she is most of the time, and the other stuff that ganyu told you about.

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