chongyun headcanons

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So im bored and i know u guys request stuff but idrk i just wanted to do this ok? 😭🤚

Anyways theres gonna be som nsfw shit in here but its at the bottom so if u dont like that kind of stuff just skip it

Anyways theres gonna be som nsfw shit in here but its at the bottom so if u dont like that kind of stuff just skip it

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▪︎when he would get to hot, you help cool him off. These varied from things like giving him his popsicle, fanning his face, and if you had the right vision, using that to help.

▪︎but sometimes there was no going back and he would have to pass out for one of his episodes to end.

▪︎so you would take him home and have try to go to sleep. Of course, most of the time he was not having it and you would just have to wait until his body did that itself.

▪︎but after one of his episodes he would apologize for anything he did and always helped if he broke something. He would shower you with affection almost as a thanks for putting up with his behavior.

▪︎sence chongyun gets hot easily, he doesnt like to cuddle to often. But when he does he cherishes the moment.

▪︎he loves to hold your hands. Its an act of affection but it wont get him hot.

▪︎hes ok with pda.

▪︎but if Xinqiu is around he will not do it at  a l l. The reason for that is as soon as you walk away, even for a millisecond, he would tease the shit out of chongyun for it.

▪︎he really likes it when you run your fingers through his hair

▪︎he doesnt really like it when your super touchy out in public.

▪︎he would take you on exorcist jobs sometimes, but wouldnt let anything even close to you.

▪︎he feels a bit down sometimes because he cant see spirts. But you always tell him that thats what makes him unique. He deeply appreciates when you do that because it makes him feel as if its not something to look down on.

▪︎chongyun likes to play with your hands. When hes bored he'll play with your fingers and rub circles on your palm. he doesnt really know why but he does.

▪︎in the beginning of the relationship, everything and anything made him flustered. Yeah it was cute but if he got too hot then he would start another episode.

▪︎when he first had an episode when you were together, he was super shy and distant because he felt like bothered you.

▪︎you told him that you thought it was funny and that there was nothing wrong, he felt very relieved after and was more comfortable with you.

▪︎you told him that you thought it was funny and that there was nothing wrong, he felt very relieved after and was more comfortable with you

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▪︎kinda in between rough and gentle

▪︎likes to use ice for stuff(??idk what this is called or what it is but i heard about it and chongyun likes ice soo yea)


▪︎the BEST at head it doesnt matter if u a guy ir girl😩🙏

▪︎doesnt really care for toys all that much

▪︎if he over stimulates you on accident he apologizes alot and gives you a popsicle while he holds your wraped in blankets

▪︎this hoe loves grinding

▪︎he'll give it front or behind

▪︎when things get heated it's hard for him to calm down and stay cool so you have to pause sometimes and he'll fuck u with a popsicle in his mouth lmao

▪︎he isn't too big on pet names but if u want them he might do it

▪︎hes hella embarrassed the whole time

▪︎hes louder than you thought he was going to be

▪︎he likes to leave hickeys on your stomach

▪︎he also likes to hold onto you tightly, like there will be prominent marks wherever he decided to hold you

I ran out of ideas for this and im open to making this type of headcanons for other characters so if u want one just comment and i might do it

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