i need help with my primos pls help

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Ok so as u know I reallllllyyyyy want kazuha

But I also want yanfei

And I've been reading some leaks and saw that kazuha might come in 1.6

And were going into 1.5 like tomorrow I think???

Which means theres only really a month before 1.6, which means I only have 1 month to save for kazuha.

Now I was thinking that I can just pull for yanfei, and then pull for kazuha.

Now I also want zhongli but if I get him hes gonna fuck up all my pity.

And rn my pitys at 36.

And I have about 1600 primos and I can get atleast 1 4* with that.

And that would bring me  to 46 pity.

I had more primos but I spent them on standard bc I was close to a 5* 🤡🤡deeply regret that

But i might just skip yanfei, and then pull only on kazuha bc if I get zho gli I probably wont be able to get kazuha.

And I'm mostly f2p but I've bought the BP and the one where u get 90 primos each day for a month.

And the 90 promos thingy all together u get 2700

And u need 14400 promos to guarentee 5* (90 pulls)

And at the end of BP, u get 680 I think, but u also get a shit load of stuff with it(I'm also poor btw)

So I was thinking, I get the one where u get the 90 primos, only pull until I get 1 4* and hope that its yanfei, then save everything and pull for kazuha.

We take my base Pity 36+16(u get that meny from the 90 primos thing)+10(pulling for yanfei)= 62

Then all I would need is 28 more pulls, but if I dont get the 90 daily, then I need 44, which is 7040.

And then I just have to hope that I hit the 50/50 bc my last 5* on event banner was hu tao

Now I'm very scared bc I r e a l l y  want kazuha I am a huge simp.

So do u have any better ideas on how I can get kazuha?????

Ty for helping😭🤚

Ty for helping😭🤚

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