chongyun▪︎{spirits} part 1

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Chongyun walks back to his apartment in liyue

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Chongyun walks back to his apartment in liyue. He snacks on a icey blue popsicle as he approaches his house. He opens the door and kicks off his shoes. He plops on the couch, exhausted. He was doing things all day and had 4 exorcist jobs to do. Even if he can dispell a ghost easily, they were very far apart and he had to walk for hours.

He shuts his eyes and leans back into the soft cushion more. His mind was fried from everything that hes done today.


Chongyuns head whips around quickly as he sits up properly. He tries to see where that loud noise was and what was causing it.

Was someone trying to steal his popsicles?

Was someone trying to steal his mora?

Was there treasure hoarders outsude wanting his valuables?

Never the less he stands up and hastily walks to the origin of the sound.

He enters his bedroom to see his lamp had fallen over.


And a ghost staring at the broken lamp on the floor with a shocked face.

"Hey! Who are you!" Chongyun speaks loudly so the stranger can hear.

The girl jumps from his voice.

"Y-you can see me?!" She says afraid and scared of what might happen.

"Who are you!" Chingyun repeats.

She answers quickly.

"I-i am y-y/n!"

"Now why are you here?" He says with a stern voice.

"I dont know!" She says with teara brimming in her eyes.

"I dont know what happend to me. No one has been able to see me and i was just wandering around. I-i...i think im a g-ghost..." she says with the tears finally spewing out.

Chongyun lowers his defense seening that the girl is quite fragile and dont ti to be harmful. She doesn't even know that she is a ghost.

He walks up to he and examines her trembling body. Although chongyun has never seen a ghost, he can imagine that this is what they look like.

You body was a shade of cool blue. You had no legs and instead they a were a traditional ghost tail. Your hair was down while a pendant hang around your neck.

"What is this." Chongyun asks the weeping girl as he points to the blue pendant.

"Thats m-my vison." She squeaks out. He takes it in his hands to see that it has cracked. A barely visable hydro symbol was shaded on.

"How did you break it." He asks calmly. She breathes shakily and responds.

"I was running when i first saw myself like this. I ran straight into a large boulder and broke it. she didnt die from breaking it.

"Do you remeber how you died?" He asks while letting go of the vison charm.

"No...n-not at all. I was w-walking in liyue a-and suddenly i got very light headed. W-when it passed i realized that i c-changed into a g-ghost."

She starts weeping again. He body trembles and shakes as her stray tears fall on the wooden panels of chongyuns bedroom.

"H-hey...its ok. We can figure out why this happened, ok?" He asks while gently placing both of his hands on the sides of her shoulders. Awkwardly, he brings her into a hug and pats her hair.

He noticed that her body is cold. Like an icecube. Luckly he loves the could so he brings her closer to himself as he conforts you.

She sniffles and cries into the exorcists shoulder. He mumbles sweet ans encouraging words to her.

"Its ok."

"We'll find out what happended."

"Ill help you though it."

Once she was done with her breakdown she parts from his arms.

"Thank you." She says as she wipes her stray tears.

"Its alright. I would cry too if i "died" and disnt remember how." He says with a comforting tone.

"So do you want me to help you clean up." She saya shyly as she poonts to thw lamp with her index finger.

"Ah, yes if you wouldn't mind. Did you luke the pattern?" He asks to her as he leans over and starts to pick up the big pieces of glass.

"Y-yes. I was trying to get a better look but i knocked it over..." she says guilty.

"Its fine. I was going to sell ot for some extra mora."

And awkward silence fills the room as they pick up the glass.

"So....what are we going to do now." She asks as she looks at the emtpy spot on the table where the vase used to be.

"Um..." he ponders for a moment before responding.

"Tomorrow we can go to the library and see if there ar any books there that can tell up what happend."

She nods.

"Well you can sleep in my bed. Ill sleep on the couch." He says as he walks over to a cabinet to gwt and extra blanket.

"No! No! You can have your bed. Im the one troubling you so you and have it. Plus even if you do sleep on the couch, i refuse to sleep on your bed." She says stating her part. He sighs.

"Ok fine. Here take this. If you need anything you can wake me up." He says as he hands her an icey blue soft blanket. She takes it.

"Thank you. Good night." She says as she walks out of the bed room.

"Good night." He replys simply.

Chongyun pov

I wonder how that happend to her. Im not going to tell her that im ab exorcist. Im afraid she will be scared of me. And how come shes not disappearing in my presence? Normaly a simple spirt wouldnt laft 30 secs, but was just fine. Maybe she isnt a ghost and is some new spirit that mutated.

Back to your pov

You get a pillow from the couch and place it near the arm rest. You unfold the blanket and toss it over the couch. You lay down and cover yourself in the soft fabric as you begain to this about how you ended up like this.

Part 2 coming soon.

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