comforting xiao atter a nightmare headcanons

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I thought of this while i was laying in bed at like 1:45 am listening to the playlist above😭🤚I was like crying but it was just the tears that's it.

I thought of this while i was laying in bed at like 1:45 am listening to the playlist above😭🤚I was like crying but it was just the tears that's it

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▪︎he jolts up from the bed so violently it wakes you up sometimes

▪︎sometimes he'll run off and lock himself In the bathroom.

▪︎sometimes you'll hear him crying through the door

▪︎you ask him to open up, telling him that your here for him, and he doesnt need to hide from you.

▪︎you don't force the door open though, he went in there for a reason.

▪︎ instead you write him a note and slip it under the door.

▪︎"xiao, I will be in the bedroom if you need me. Whenever you feel comfortable enough come out and find me. I'll make you some almond tofu and we can cuddle."

I love you -- y/n

▪︎when he does come out, which is usually in the morning, you have the almond tofu ready for him.

▪︎if you catch him before he can run off, you have to hold onto him.

▪︎he'll try to push you away, so you have to restrain his arms until he calms down enough.

▪︎he doesn't usually cry immediately, it's just him breathing heavily and saying things like "there voices." "why are they so loud." "Its scary."

▪︎he shuts his eyes and refuses to open them.

▪︎you have to force him to make eye contact with you, it helps the visions go away.

▪︎but when he does calm down, he then starts to cry.

▪︎he like to hold your hand, it makes him feel safe.

▪︎he wont show his face to you either.

▪︎he hugs you tightly, like your going to leave him.

▪︎he likes to hear your voice, it make the other voices go away.

▪︎hes really quiet, and he just buries his head in your neck.

▪︎when you kiss him on the cheeks and forehead it calms him down alot.

▪︎when he calms down enough to look at you, he pulls his head up and looks into your eyes, trying to tell you that he wants to keep laying with you.

▪︎you wipe away his tears as he holds onto your other hand, placing his lips on your knuckles to comfort himself.

▪︎you tell him little sweet words of comfort.

▪︎you have to be very gentle with him, you you make any sudden movements or loud noises it scares him

▪︎you have to have skin to skin contact, it makes him feel safe and comfortable.

▪︎you lean with your back proped up against the head board and pull him into your lap, you let his rest his head on your chest as you hold him tenderly.

▪︎when he's ready to go to sleep, he'll tell you.

▪︎the both of you lay down properly, but you let him chose how hes going to lay.

▪︎sometimes he'll curl up into a ball, not using a pillow.

▪︎but you spoon him when he does that, holding onto his hands.

▪︎if your both facing eachother, he'll go under your shirt so he trapped under it.(idrk how to explain it but he likes hides under your shirt)

▪︎sometimes he'll take off his shirt so you can trace his back with your fingers.

▪︎when you both wake up, he wont look at you again.

▪︎you give him a bunch of little kisses, all over his face and shoulders.

▪︎when you get out of bed, he doesnt leave your side.

▪︎he follows you holding onto your shirt.

▪︎you start up a bath for the both of you.

▪︎you wash his hair for him, he really likes it.

▪︎as the day goes on he goes back to normal.

▪︎but when it's time to sleep again , he tries to stall and stay up later.

▪︎you know he doesn't want to go to sleep because hes afraid he'll get another nightmare

▪︎you tell him that its alright, letting his cuddle into you as you brush his hair

▪︎hes reluctant to sleep, but he does

Damn I keep writing angst😭🤚first my xiao x reader and now this lmao

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