💫💫 Quarantine with McGee 💫💫

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Your dating

- Unsurprisingly you don't mind staying inside for ages with nothing to do but read, eat, sleep and play video games. And of course cuddle McGee. You were not a very social person, though you loved your team like a family (including Abby, Jimmy and Ducky, you didn't really hang out with other people or make other friends. You sticked to who you trusted and you liked it. So what if you didn't have many friends? You had the best family ever. Not that you could see them currently.

- McGee was actually the one who panicked, much to Tony's liking, and you hated it. Mcgee was normally fine with staying inside over the weekend to binge watch movies with you or just cuddle but with the quarantine he had realized that he actually liked going out with his friends more than he thought. For about 2 days he was okay with playing games with you and reading/writing, but after 4 days he was going a bit stir crazy, and that's when you decided to do something for him.

- You had gotten everyone, with much struggle, to video call/Zoom meet so you could have alittle party over it! McGee had gone on a run that morning which had given you enough time to get everyone onto the video call/Zoom meeting. And once McGee saw everyone he was so happy and he even cried a little. It was sweet.

- Shopping was something McGee did, as you hated shopping, but also as he needed to get out of the house. You would write a list of everything you need and he would go and get it, and while he did that you found a love for online shopping. Yep. You basically ordered everything on Amazon. Need clothes? Amazon. Pencils? Amazon. Nintendo switch for McGees quarantine bday? Amazon. McGee was actually half you brought the nintendo switches as a birthday present as he had gotten you one for your aniversay so you two could play together and it would be fun!

- Something you had taken up during the whole thing was cooking and reading fanfiction. You were now living on Tumblr and Ao3. All of the nerdy stuff you loved was on there and it was so good that you would spend your whole day reading it sometimes, and McGee enjoyed it too! So when either of you found a good one you would send it too as eachother!

- All in all its was actually pretty good. He helped you with your anxietys about the virus and you helped McGee stay sane. Plus you both cuddled for hours.


- As you were 7 you understood about half of what was going on. You knew that there was a sickness going around and people were dying, but you didn't understand why you had to stay inside. Your father, McGee, and your other father, Tony, (I need serotonin so bad) had tried to explain it too you but it was hard to explain it to a 7 year old. They had explained that people were sick, they could die, you had to stay inside to be safe, if you went outside you had to wear a mask. It wasn't something a 7 year old unstood all that well. And as a result there was a lot of breakdowns from both you and your parents.

- You hated it. You were used to seeing everyone every day and since you couldn't you made a huge deal out of it. Everyday you would cry because you just wanted your family back! You missed them! And even though you called them it was the same. You wanted to have sleepovers with your Aunt Abby, or Help Grandpa Ducky and Uncle Jimmy with autopsys, or woke in Grandad Gibbs boat. But you couldn't and you were stuck inside. Luckily one thing that helped you were your parents and your iPad. Your parents would keep you occupied until they were burned out then you would play on your IPad. Most of the time you would Video call/Zoom call your family though, the one from NCIS, and it wasn't too bad. You did like that you didn't have to go to school though!

- You parents were doing a lot worse than you, which seemed impossible but it really wasn't. Half way though the lockdown they had gotten told that Ducky had gotten Covid, and why?, because the person who had delivered his stuff had decided the pandemic was fake. How great was that? And once they found out they decided to not tell you, because it was ducky, he would be fine right?

- After lockdown is when they decided to tell you but sadly, they couldn't. Lockdown went on for an extra two months and they had talked about telling you for three months and decided to just tell you now. So they sat you down and explained that Grandpa Ducky was in heaven now, with your older brother (I'm doing another preference idea with that be patient) and he was okay now.

- You were heart broken. You and Ducky were so close and now he was gone. What would you do now? Who would tell you all about history? Or take you to museums?

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