🌊🌊 Being Dinozzos Kid Would Include 🌊🌊

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Being Dinozzos Kid Would Include

Being Dinozzos Kid Would Include

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- You and your dad watch films all the time, but you also enjoy playing video games. (Dinozzo blames that on McGee)

- Much to your dads disliking you are closest to McGee and Jimmy, there for he calls you the geek lord. You do not mind. You are a rather big geek anyway.

- If you are not watching films with your dad, playing video games with McGee, or reading with Jimmy then you can be found in your bedroom sleeping or trying to figure out cold cases.

- Your fascinated by your dads' job and accompanied him to work every day, helping on cases and hanging out down in autopsy with Jimmy and Ducky talking about books.

- Both you and Gibbs head slap Dinozzo, you slap him on the arm though because your too short to reach the back off his head.

- You stand up for McGee when your dad makes fun of him or calls him names like elf lord, McGeek etc.

- When you were 5, he had a panic attack because you had a cold and, too this day, that is his favourite memory about him. Not because he was panicking Infront of you, but because after he started to panic you climbed onto his lap and wiped his tears away and muttered "Don't cry daddy, I okay".

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