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You got in trouble at school for fighting, and your dad had to tell you off

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You got in trouble at school for fighting, and your dad had to tell you off. (Child)

You didn't mean to get in a fight. Truly. You hated violence, but someone had said something bad about you not having a proper family, and you didn't like that. Just because you were adopted didn't mean you didn't have a proper family. So you punched them. Hard. In the face, and they may or may not have had left with a purple eye, which resulted in your Dad being called in. You didn't say a word, and neither did he, so you twoz just sat there in silence as you headed to the NCIS building. Once you guys had parked, you quickly got out and went straight down to autopsy as you wanted to avoid everyone you could. You knew Dinozzo would be proud of you, McGee would tell you to not fight, Ziva would try and teach you better fight techniques, Gibbs would ask if you knocked them out and Ducky would patch up your semi bruised hand. And then there was your dad. You weren't sure about how he would react. You had never done this before.
When your dad came down to the autopsy room, you took a deep breath and looked down ashamed. You hated that you punched someone. "So, you going to tell me what happened?" Jimmy asked him as he sat down on the spiny chair as you sat down on the autopsy table. You stayed quiet, not wanting to make him even more upset. The worst part was having your dad be disappointed in you. "Hey, it's okay, just tell me? Please? I know you would have had a very good reason" he said gently and moved closer. "I uh- she said that you guys weren't my really family- that I was a disappointment, that you guys would never love me." You said quietly, tears coming to your eyes. Jimmy drowned and quickly hugged you tightly. "You know that isn't true, okay? I promise you. I love you so so much. We all do, okay? And, your not a disappointment, I am proud of everything you do okay?" He said still hugging you, making you nod gently as you hugged back. It made you feel much, much better. "But, please never punch anyone again" he said, making you laugh lightly.

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