☁️☁️ Dating Palmer Would Include ☁️☁️

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Dating Jimmy Would Include

- He is a little anxious baby so you normally have to make the first move, but he asked you to move in with you

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- He is a little anxious baby so you normally have to make the first move, but he asked you to move in with you.

- You and him like to watch House M.D and Scrubs together as you two find the inaccuracies in the doctor procedures.

- You love how cute he is when he gets nervous.

- You have only fought once because of a miss understanding.  

- He loves to kiss your nose because he finds it cute how you blush and scrunch your face up.

- He is obsessed with holding your hands, not in a creepy way, If he can feel your hands he knows your alive.

-  He is always paranoid that one day you will be the one he is seeing on that cold metal slab.

- You love to go on picnics with him cause he always wears his cute tuxedo.

- Cuddling? All the time.

- He is hopeless with cooking so you cook and he cleans up.

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