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You weren't feeling well so Ducky let you lay down in autopsy

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You weren't feeling well so Ducky let you lay down in autopsy. (Child)

It had been a ruff day, school had been hell and onto of that you hadn't been feeling great all day. So after school you had headed to NCIS headquarters to relax with your family.

After you had got there you were looking around for everyone but of course they were out on an assignment, so you headed down to autopsy to see your great uncle ducky, And your uncle Palmer!

Smiling as you entered the room, you chucked your bag on the floor and yawned gently, you head throbbing as you had a headache. "Hey guys" you said quietly, wincing in pain as you spoke. "Ah! Hello, I was wondering when I would see you, you okay?" Ducky asked as he noticed your wince. "Yeah, just got a headache" you said shrugging. Ducky walked over and frowned gently. "You want to lay down? I can turn the lights off for you" he suggested. You nodded and lay down on the bed, and with that you fell asleep.


Sorry it's so shit I just needed to get something out so I can get into the spirit of doing it lmao-

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