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((I wrote this will in detention cause I didn't wanna do gym/P.E lmao))

McGee - (your 13, mcgee is dad and Jimmy is pops)

This was not what you had envisioned for your 13th birthday, you wanted to go to the arcade with your dad and family, but instead you were curled up under you dads work desk cuddling Jimmy. You had awoken that morning, excited to have a nice day and eat cake! it was your birthday after all. so you woke up, ate the pancakes your dad and pops had made you, then headed off to work with them! Once there the whole team bombareded you with presesnts, cards and cakes galore! eventually, about lunch time, you and your little family (a.k.a the whole gang including vance because, and i quote, "To celebrate you becoming a young teen we shall all go to lunch, my treat") left the office and headed to your favourite restauruant. You had told your dad that you wanted to head into the shop next door quickly, so while everyone else went to grab a table you two stepped inside the store, not realising how much you would later regret that decision. You two looked around, not noticing the woman following both of you. that swhen you heard your dad yell your name, just catching a glimpse of a bat hitting you before everything went dark. you woke up a few hours later in a small room, it was dark and all you could smell was the horrible stench of old blood. Well, hour old blood. Luckily you spent alot of time with Pops and Grandpa Ducky so you knew how to patch u[p some cuts and scrapes. But when you opened your eyes properly you saw your dad being held at gunpoint.
You didn't know what to do. "Just- just stop please-" you whispered, trying to go over to your dad. That's when you noticed the huge chains toying you down, you couldn't move more than a few centimetres. "Let him go okay? You can have me!" You begged but to no avail. That's when they shot him. Right in the head. Just like that. No warning, no bargaining they just killed your dad. Instantly. "NO!!!! DAD- CONE ON JUST JUST- WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" You screamed and cried for what felt like a lifetime, in reality though, it was only 10 minutes. You soon realized who they were. They were from the last case, the killers sister and brother. The you tried to break free. You wanted to try and help your dad so so bad. But you couldn't. And time passed. It was 3 days until they found you down there, with your dads lifeless body. Once you were freed you just ran to the NCIS building and hid under your dads desk, hugging his coat, praying it was just a bad dream. After an hour your pops found you and came over to cuddle you. That's when you broke down. "I-Its my fault! If I just went into the restaurant with you guys this wouldn't of happened!" You said, crying your eyes out. Jimmy seemed much calmer than you, but you could tell it was just an act. You knew inside he was screaming, praying they people who did this would pay for killing his husband. After a few hours you got out for a drink, going to the vending machine, and was met with the whole group there to console you. You didn't go back home, not for a week. You stayed with Gibbs. You couldn't stand the sight of your dads desk, it only reminding you of what had happened, so going back home was out of the question. But gibbs understood, and so did your pops, and so did everyone else. They were all there for you and you were lucky for that.

Dinozzo (your 6, dinozzo is dada and mcgee is papa)(also it's bad but I just woke up to write some so yeah- I'm putting effort into the other ones) -

You were homeschooled, you enjoyed the outdoors and staying in places you knew, so you were homeschooled. And at 6 years old crime scenes were not a great idea, so instead your dada and papa sent you off to abby while they went to the crime scene. You adored your Aunt abba! She was so cool! She let you do colouring with pens and she would even let you help do blood tests! So you were confused when she said that you had go with your dads to the crime scene this day. It had never happened before but you didn't mind, you got to spend time with dada, papa, uncle jimjim, grandad ducky and grandad gibby! Which seemed a-okay to you. So you got in the car with dada and papa and set off to the scene, the whole time telling them about your new black shoes your aunt abba had gotten you. They smiled as you rambled about random things like your new favourite TV show and drawing. Once you arrived you all got out the car, you got told to stay at the car, with an agent. It was weird staying with a stranger, but you listened to your dad, until the agent got distracted and wondered off, leaving you, a curious 6 year old, to wonder about. You were trying to find your dad when you could hear a beeping. "Dada! There is a beeping, it hurts my head!" You said as he looked at over at you. "Y/N!! Get down!" He yelled as he ran over to you, just in time, and pushed you away from where you were standing. It was loud and everything was smoky after that. It was all you could remember. Sadly for your papa, he had watched it happen, and he was stood there with tears rushing down his face. As you got up and walked over to him, he picked you up and held you too his chest, heading to the car, and sitting inside with you. You had no clue what was happening, but you soon fell asleep in his arms. Later that day McGee had to explain that dada wasnt coming home, and you didn't really understand, but as you grew up you understood. And piece by piece you remembered what happened. You always blamed yourself. If you had stayed in the car maybe the bomb wouldn't have gone off, of maybe your dada would t have died.

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