💫💫 Quarantine with Dinozzo 💫💫

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Your Dating

- Quarantine was actually just an over all nice thing for you and Tony, and even though you were both very social people, both you and Tony had been feeling very anxious about work recently and neither of you could figure out why, so spending some time together felt amazing!

- You would wake up, make breakfast, get to my, eat, watch movies, eat lunch, read/talk for a bit, eat dinner, watch some TV and cuddle then sleep. It was a nice routine. Simple and relaxing.

- That is when you two realized you still both felt anxious, still about work but also about everything that was going on in the world, and that's when you both realized. You were anxious because you didn't want to loose eachother.  It was sweet, then you cried, then cuddle and slept.


Honestly, I have some angsty plans and stuff for everyone else, don't worry!!
Also, I apologise it isn't much!
And also, school starts again tomorrow so I will do my best to write chapters!!

Love ya!
SM Xxxxx

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