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You head slapped Dinozzo after he flirted with you (Child)

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You head slapped Dinozzo after he flirted with you (Child)

Gibbs had invited you out for lunch, the both of you being busy often made it hard to see each other often as you lived 2 hours away, so when you could you came to see him and the squad. You had moved away when your turned 23 as you got a job as a scientist, you had a rather busy schedule and so did your dad, therefore whenever you could you two would meet up and go to your favourite diner together.  Once you arrived at the NCIS building you headed in and smiled as you got in the elevator, you waited and soon you got to the floor you need, stepping out and going to the team. "Hey guys!!" You said happily waving to the others. "Hey!! How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" Abby practically yelled as she ran up to you and hugged you tightly. "Haha, I assume that Gibbs said I was coming?" You asked, resulting in Abby nodding. "He has just gone to get coffee, and I need to go back to the lab! I'll see you later!" She said and rushed off. A few minutes of hell's by numerous people later and finally Gibbs and Tony came in. "Ohhhh, I never get over how hot you are" Tony said as he made his way over too you, after Gibbs had sat at his desk. "You really should go out with me sometime, how is someone so hot single?" He asked, making you sigh. You looked at your dad and smirked, then back at Tony. "You know what? Being Gibb's kid has taught me many things, but one of the main lessons I remember was this" you said and head slapped Tony, making Gibbs laugh.


Hoping this is okay!! First one lol, hope you enjoy!

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