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Inspiration : "Fix it" "it's a ransom note, I don't care about my grammar" "there is no excuse for bad grammar"

(oneshot) (dinozzoxmcgee)


They have to write a fake ransom note for a case and mcgee couldn't stand dinnozzos bad grammar.

McGee had been dating Dinozzo for nearly 3 years now, and he still got annoyed at the other, but he guessed every couple did. The only thing was that these weren't your usual couple. They were NCIS Agents that saw dead bodys and shot people every other day. So instead of talking about the news and arguing about washing up like normal people, they talked about dead people and argued over who the killer was. And this defiantly made some strange arguments happen between the two of them. Like the one they had today.

You see, they had been trying to solve a case for 3 days now, and it just so happened that they had to fake a kidnapping, so obviously they also had to write a fake ransom note up to make it look realistic. Gibbs had decided that Dinozzo and McGee were best suited for this but McGee was having some doubts as he watched Dinozzo write it out.

"You know that's not how you spell ransom, right?" McGee said with a sigh, taking the pen off Dinozzo and correcting it. "Its a hard word to spell! Gimme the pen back!" Dinozzo said frowing as he snatched the pen back from McGee and continued to write on the piece of paper. After a few more minutes McGee took another glance at the note and sighed in annoyance. "Fix it." He said in a stern tone, fed up with having to correct Dinozzo. "Its a ransome note, I don't care about my grammar" Dinozzo replied with a shrug, still scribbling words down. "There is no excuse for bad grammar" McGee said looking at him with a frustrated look on his face. "Alright nerd, calm down! You write it then!" Dinozzo said and gave up, handing McGee the note and pen. "Thank you!" McGee said and quickly wrote down a ransom note. "Done! Baby, next time just get me to write it, your clearly dyslexic or something!" McGee said laughing and kissed Dinozzos cheek before going to give the note to Gibbs. Dinozzo laughed slightly and blushed at the kiss.

So yeah, they weren't a normal couple, but they loved each other more than anything.


It's bad but I like it :)

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