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Gibbs - It had all started because of Dinozzo. You already dealt with anxiety and insecurity so when Dinozzo decided it was a good day to make you feel insecure about your body you knew it would not end well. That is how you ended up here, curled up in the corner of an interrogation room, tears running down your face as he felt panic surge your body like electricity. What you didn't know was that your boyfriend (and Boss) Gibbs had been looking for you for twenty minutes and once McGee told him were you were he ran there and gently closed the door behind him as he enters the room. "Hey, it's me baby, what's wrong?" Gibbs asked in his gentle voice, which he only used when talking to you. You could not answer as you were crying historically and that broke Gibbs's heart. Whoever did this would pay. Big time. So, instead of interrogating you about it, he gently sat next to you and pulled you into his lap gently, rubbing you back lightly with his hand as he whispers sweet nothing's to you. And ten minutes later you were a lot calmer. "So baby, who did this? And why are you crying over it?" Gibbs questioned; his voice still soft as if talking to a baby. You look up at him and tears threaten to spill once more. "D-Do you think I'm pr-pretty?" You whisper, looking into Gibbs's eyes. He smiled widely and nodded, playing with your silky-smooth hair. "Of course I do baby, I love your eyes, and your hair, and your beautiful smile, and your lips, and your hands, I love all of you and you look absolutely stunning everyday" he said gently, "Why do you ask?". You sat up and stared at the wall confront of you and took a shaky breath. Gibbs knew about your anxiety and your insecurity but usually, you were good at controlling it, so today was a little weird for him and you. You had never had an anxiety attack at work. Ever. "Well, Dinozzo was being his usual self and then he started saying stuff about my body and I just- It was too much and I panicked and ran into here" you said quietly not looking at Gibbs. "Oh baby, don't listen to him okay?" He said gently and pulled you into his lap once more. "You have nothing to be insecure about" he said and gently kissed your lips.

Let us just say, Dinozzo got a strong word and a few head slaps from Gibbs.

McGee - Today started like a normal day. Key word, started. It defiantly did not end that way. You, and your boyfriend McGee, had gone to work like normal and started your work. Gibbs said there was a case and you went to the scene like normal. You took photos and talked to the team about suspects like normal. Then you went for lunch. You and Bishop went and picked up some burgers for everyone. And then she started saying how you were not good enough for McGee. That he needed someone just as smart as him and just as good at being an agent. And you could not help but feel like she was right. That you really were not good enough for McGee. So, you stayed silent and carried on at work, ignoring McGee and avoiding him as much as you could. Until you went home. McGee drove and there was an awkward silence in the air. McGee knew something was up, but he never pushed you into speaking so you stayed quiet. Once you got back to your apartment you went in and both sat on the couch, that is when you started to panic. All the words Bishop said before replaying in your head. Tears welded at your eyes as you ran and hid in the bathroom inside of you and McGee's shared bedroom. McGee, obviously alarmed, ran after you and gently knocked on the door. "W-what?" You asked quietly as he curled up against the wall of the bathroom. "What's wrong baby, did I do something wrong? If I did, I am sorry" McGee said gently as he slid down the locked door and pulled his knees to his chest hugging them, just like you were. "N-no, you didn't" you whispered as the panic attacks you again. "Then what's making you panicked baby?" He asked gently through the locked door. "Bi-Bishop said I wasn't good enough for you, a-and she is right" You says just loud enough for McGee to hear. All you could hear was a small laugh from your boyfriend. " Really? That is what she said? If anything, you're not good enough for me, your so kind and sweet and loving and caring and so so so smart, I'm the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you my own, so don't listen to her, because, she is very very wrong" McGee said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. This made you calm down and open the door, making McGee fall inside of the bathroom. You giggled and he did too as he got up and gently kissed your lips, resting your forehead against his. Pulling away from the kiss he whispered "Never forget how much I love you" before kissing you again.

Palmer - You felt like you could not breath and that your heart had stopped, which was ironic as you were hiding in the autopsy room. You were curled up behind the second cold, metal, table and were hugging your knees tightly to your chest as you struggled to breath. And why you may ask, well, it was all because Gibbs yelled at you. Yep. You were having an anxiety attack all because your boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, yelled at you. You had made a few spelling mistakes on your report and you apologised at least five times but he kept yelling at you saying that "if you want to be a proper agent you need to know how to write a damn report!". It wants your fault, you were dyslexic. Gibbs knew that. Everyone knew that. You had told Gibbs that when he asked you to write a report on paper and he said it was fine. But now you did not think it was. You had been down in autopsy struggling to breath for about 10 minutes and the time was now 7: 00 am. That is when you heard your boyfriend, Jimmy Palmer, walk through the door. Jimmy must of heard your raspy breathing because next thing you knew he was kneeling I front of you holding your shoulders and telling you to just try and take deep breaths. And you did. You took deep long breaths and it helped. You really did have the best boyfriend. "You okay? I was so worried! What happened? Are you hurt?" Jimmy asked frantically. You shook your head lightly and hugged him tightly, him hugging you back, "Gibbs yelled at me for having some spelling mistakes, he wanted the report written on paper and not typed up so I did and told him I had dyslexia and he said it was okay but then he yelled at me for it and I was panicking and I did t know what to do so I came and hid down here" you rambled on. Just like Jimmy tended to do. He nodded and kissed your forehead. "Hey, it's fine! I promise! I would say I will fight Gibbs for you, but I might get killed" he said and laughed lightly, making you laugh too. In the end Jimmy got Ducky to speak to Gibbs and Gibbs apologised. Said the case was stressing him out. You knew it was because Ducky loved you like a child so he yelled at Gibbs for making you upset, but you would not tell anyone that.

Dinozzo - In. Out. In. Out. That is how you breathe right? It is. You were hiding under your desk. You couldn't go to Abby's lab because she didn't like you, autopsy was a no go because you knew Jimmy didn't like you either, Interrogation rooms were a no and you didn't want to hide in the bathrooms. So instead, you opted to hide under your desk. Hoping no one would find you, but that was ruined when your boyfriend crawled under your desk and joined you. Dinozzo was not great with understanding an anxiety attack but you did not care. All it matters was that he tried, and he usually helped. "So, why are we hiding under here?" He asked gently looking over at you as he held your hand. "M-McGee" you whispered squeezing his hand lightly. "McGee? What did he do? Is a computer geek" Dinozzo said laughing lightly? "He said I would never be a good field agent; said I would be better out of the way where I wants a nuisance" you said and looked at Dinozzo. To say your boyfriend was pissed was an understatement. Once you spoke, he left and twenty minutes later came back with slightly red knuckles and you could hear McGee groaning in pain. You laughed lightly and cuddles up against him gently. "Thanks, you whispered.

Abby - You worked with Abby, your Girlfriend, down in the lab and you lived it, it was always interesting, but one thing you didn't like was when you had to go down to autopsy. You hated it. Luckily, Jimmy usually brought things up but on occasions you had to go and grab something or give Ducky and Jimmy something. So today you were to take down a gun to try and see if that is what did the smashed head of the person. The only thing was you were terrified, you would have asked Abby to do it, but she was busy, and you did not want her to know of your stupid fear of autopsy. With the gun in your hand you got in the elevator and took a deep breath before clicking the level for autopsy. You got down there and gave Jimmy the gun quickly then ran to the elevator. You started to panic and now you were curled up in the corner of the elevator crying. You had been in the ten minutes so Abby decided to go and see if you were coming back up but instead, when she went to step in the elevator, she saw you crying and her heart melted. She crawled down next to you and gave you once of her famous Abby hugs before asking you what happened. "I was taking the gun down to...... Ducky and I have this form of au-autopsy and I started to panic" you explained quietly to her and she nodded. "Oh! Do not be ashamed or anything! It is perfectly okay, and a normal fear to have! But you should've told me!" So, you spent the rest of the day with Abby lecturing you on the fact that you should have told her and her pampering you with your favourite food and hugs.


I hope you enjoyed this!!! There will be a new story/drabble/headcannon/prefrence/honestly everyday so stay tuned!!!

Love you - SM xoxo

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