💫💫 Quarantine with Ducky💫💫

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- You had only been dating for a few months but it had been going well! So when quarantine happened you two decided to quarantine together at Duckys house.

- You had protested but he had insisted that you stay with him as it was more convenient, and he would miss you of course.

- You finally caved and agreed to stay with him and you were very glad your did!

- You and Ducky had a blast watching old films, reading books, cooking, doing puzzles and just spending time together!


- As you had only been adopted by Ducky a few weeks prior to quarantine you didn't really like being stuck in the house with him.

- You didn't want to upset him or get him mad, you also didn't know what to do with yourself.

- But after a few weeks you got to know ducky properly and you too got along well! You enjoyed his story's and he enjoyed your company!

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