Oneshot #8 - 🔪 UPDATED+PUBLISHED 🔪

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So, I had this idea. And it is really cute- kinda sad- but more happy than normal Haha, so I hope you enjoy!

Title : Things I Love About You, A poem by Timothy McGee.

Idea : Basically, this is a poem that McGee wrote for Tony and it is just cute af- I love it..enjoy!!

Triggers :mention of a scar from an accident as a kid lol and mention of death- I can never let it be too happy I'm sorry- and I guess that's it? If there is something you think is a trigger let me know and I'll add it!

Ship is Dinozzo x McGee, because serotonin!


"The Things I Love About You,
A Poem By Timothy McGee."

"Number one, the way you smile.
As soon as I see the smile on your face it makes me feel like I'm floating.
Like I'm on cloud nine, and that I'm in heaven, and like nothing else matters."

"Number two, when you laugh.
Your laughter never fails to make me smile, the noise making my stomach fill with butterflies. It makes me feel like nothing could ever hurt me."

"Number three, the ways your eyes light up when you watch a movie, specifically an old western. They always have a little extra spark in them when you watch it, and it makes me feel happy."

"Number four, the scar on your right hand. I love to listen to that story of when you were younger and thought that it was a good idea to slide under barbed wire, and that you didn't even notice you had done it until you were miles from your house, and you had to walk all the way back. It reminds me of how you have always been so adventurous."

"Number five, your kisses, especially when you kiss my cheek. They way your soft lips and scruffy beard scratches on my cheek just makes me melt inside, and never fails to make me blush."

"Number six, the way you hug/cuddle me. When we wake up and I begin to make breakfast, you always come in and hug me from behind, your arms slinking there way around my waist and your head in my shoulder."

"Number seven, how smart you are. You can be so dumb, but you are so so so smart. I know you can do anything and I think you do too. You help me on cross word puzzles and you can always explain things to me, so don't even think you aren't dumb."

"Number eight, you. I love all of you, from how you look to your voice to your personality, I love you for everything you are and will be."

"And Number nine, because I know you care. I have had so many people stand me up, insult me, hate me, leave me, but you stay no matter what. And I love that about you so much. I am so glad that you and I are together."

"The last thing I want to tell you, is that I love you. No matter what. I will always love you."

McGee had spoken the whole poem with no interruptions, his hands shaky as he heald the paper in front of him, a few tears dripping down his face.

He put the poem in his pocket and quickly wiped the tears away, sitting down on the wet grass beneath him. "I spent ages on that....for our anniversary..and now I read it to you early- only because I need you to know, okay? Just- I needed you to know that I love you so so much.." he whisper, tears begging to fall down his face once more. "I'm sorry- I know you don't want me crying" he mutterd and laughed slightly.

McGee stood up and smiled slightly at the grave stone. It read as follows :

1980 - 2010

He sighed and kissed the top of the stone. "I'll see you later baby, I love you.." he said quietly and walked back home in the rain, smiling slightly as he walked, knowing Dinozzo was not in pain.

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