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You felt out with Dinozzo a few weeks ago and he keeps avoiding you so you show up at work (dating)

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You felt out with Dinozzo a few weeks ago and he keeps avoiding you so you show up at work (dating).

It had been a whole 2 weeks now and you were getting sick of it. Dinozzo was ignoring you and it sucked. All you wanted was to cuddle on the couch and watch a film with him! But you had a fight and now he wouldn't even talk to you. So, in a last effort to salvage your sanity, you went to his work to confront him. You had never been there before and had only ever met McGee once so you were a little scared of getting lost, but you braved it and headed inside, eventually getting up to the elavator after 20 minutes of security checks.

Once inside the office you looked around, hoping to find Dinozzo sooner rather than later as you were already regretting coming here, but couldn't see him. You quickly spotted McGee though and rushed towards him as you hoped he knew where your boyfriend was.

"Hey McGee, remember me? I'm Tony's s/o?" You asked him, hoping that he would just say yes and tell you were Dinozzo was. "Oh, yeah!, how are you? You okay? Does Tony know your here?" McGee asked, rambling slightly as he spoke, making you feel more nervous. "Oh um, I'm g-good? Yeah. Good. I am fine just looking for Tony, you know were I um- I could find him? Maybe? If-If your not busy and he isn't busy of course" You rambled on and on, nervous he was going to be angry at you for interrupting their work. McGee laughed slightly at your nerves and nodded. "Of course its not an issue, I believe he is down in the lab, I'll call Abby and tell her to tell him to come up! We don't have a case just yet so it's not a problem!" He said happily, making you smile at his kindness, thankful McGee was so kind. "Thank you so much! I got to tell you, I was worried I would be interrupting a big case or something, so I'm glad I'm not" You said and laughed slightly, your nerves dying down.

McGee smiled and laughed slightly as he called Abby down in the lab, telling her to get Tony to come up to the bullpen as you were here, then hung up. You stood there awkwardly waiting, fiddling with your fingers nervously. "Why don't you sit down at Tony's desk? I'm sure he won't mind! Plus, I think he will be glad to see you, he has been a bit down lately" McGee said and gestured to Tony's chair, making you nod and quickly sit down on it, frowning at the idea of it being your fault that Tony had been sad.

After a few minutes of waiting you heard footsteps next to you, making you look up and take a deep breath. "H-Hey Tony" you whisperd and got out of his seat so he could sit done. Tony took the opportunity to sit down and sat in his chair, not saying anything to you, making a gesture to McGee which made him leave the room and just left you two on your own. "I-I-You haven't spoken to me in 2 weeks! I've been worried and I know we had a big fight but I miss you and your avoiding me, I just know it!" You said, gaining some confidents back, tears forming in your eyes as you looked down at your fingers and fiddled with them. "I-I just want you back to me" You whisperd and wiped the tears away.

Dinozzo sat there listening as he stared at the floor, hating the sadness and pain he could hear in your voice. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't even mean to avoid you! I always do this, I always fuck up!" Dinozzo said, angry that he hurt you. You quickly looked up at the sound of his voice, glad to hear it once again, and frowned at his words. "Your not fucking anything up. I promise. I was just worried- we normally don't stop talking! Remember when you got in trouble with Gibbs because you were messaging me at work? You told me and I burst out laughing so hard I spilt the popcorn we clashed for our movie night" You said, smiling widely at the fond memory of the two of you, then moved closer to him. Dinozzo looked up at you and sighed, hating how much he blamed himself. "I am sorry. You forgive me? Please tell me you do......" Dinozzo mutters. You laughed and nodded, gently pulling him into a hug, enjoying the familiar embrace of his warmth. "I love you Tony" You whisperd to him. After a few minutes, Dinozzo squeezed you right and smiled widely. "I love you too" he replied.

You two hadn't noticed that everyone was huddled in a small group in the corner of the room taking pictures of you hugging, but you were glad they did. Now you have an amazing picture of your boyfriend and you, and of course you made Dinozzo hang it up on the wall.




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