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They say your life flashes before your eyes, but that isn't quiet true. Dinozzo didn't think about all the memories he had made, but the ones he hadn't. He'll never get to celebrate his 50th birthday, he will never finish watching the Star Wars movies, he'll never be able to go to Disneyland, he'll never get married, he will never get to tru sushi, he will never have the life he dreamed of. That's what you think about before you die. He didn't remeber the time he went to the beach with with the team, or the time he was laughing so hard at a joke that milk came out his nose. No. You don't think of any of that. You fantasise about what could have happened. What your future had entailed. The things you, now, would never do or see. You think about why it was you. Why it couldn't have been anyone else. Why it had to be you. And that was Dinozzo was thinking as he layed there, blood rushing out of his chest faster than a cheater running in the wild, his eyes on the verge of closing. He could hear someone speaking, which he assumed was eithier McGee or Gibbs. Maybe it was Ducky trying to make sure he was okay. He felt the burning sensation in his chest, the kind of pain that makes you feel like you need to sit in a bath of ice, the cold air helping to ease it slightly. Dinozzo could also see the blurry face of someone crouching over him, there hand on his cheek, assuming it was McGee trying to get him to stay awake. Then he heard his voice. It was slightly muffled, but he knew it was McGee. Dinozzo couldn't make out much of what he was saying, but what he could make out was, "I love you, it's okay, go to sleep baby, I'll see you later" in a whisperd and hurt tone. Dinozzo knew that McGee was crying while he spoke. And he knew that if he closed his eyes that would be it, but it was clear McGee knew that too. That there was nothing they could do for him. So he slowly closed his eyes. "Love you too...." Dinozzo said, the words slightly muffled and slurred, but McGee knew what he was saying. And before they both knew it he had take his last breath. His body now limp and growing cold. McGee couldn't stop crying, the tears rushing down his face faster than he thought was humanly possible, his head resting on Dinozzos chest as he desperately tried to search for a heart beat. "Please baby.....please just-just breath for me.." He said through tears, sitting up and cupping Dinozzos cheeks gently, McGees forehead now restong against his. He kissed him gently and closed his eyes. "I love much....wherever you are, be happy....please.." He mutterd, moving away as he broke down crying again.


Hope you enjoy! I wanted to write something and this idea popped into my mind! Enjoy the angst!!

Love ya! - SM Xxxx

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