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You break up (but you get back together because I am not a monster)

Gibbs - You had been dating for 2 months and it ended over a stupid fight. It was all because of a stupid fight about bread. Yep. He had forgot bread and somehow that ended in him and you arguing and Then him yelling "You're such a fuck up!" And then you told him "We are done! Get out!" And that is how it ended. You did not go to work for a week and the only time you got up was to go pee and eat. And Gibbs got more pissed and would yell at anyone who did anything slightly out of order. And then after a week you got a knock on your door. So, you got up and went over, opening it and then take a shaky breath at who stood there. There stood Gibbs, who looked like he had been crying, holding a rose and a box of chocolates. "Can I come in?" He asked quietly. You nodded and stood aside to let him in. "Look, I'm not good with words but hear me out, this past week has been the worst week ever. I have missed being able to hug you and kiss you and how you laugh. And I can't stand it without you, I know I fucked up and I promise you aren't a fuck up and I also know chocolate and roses don't fix anything but please give me another try" Gibbs said tears in his eyes. You two just hugged and kissed for the rest of the night while watching old films.

McGee - It took 6 months, 34 stand ups and 109 conversations about how amazing Abby was to make you tell him you two were over, he had to choose you or Abby, then you left. You did not go to work for 1 week before you braved it and showed up. And you and McGee did not talk for a month until one day he showed up at your house and started to cry and apologise. You just kissed him and hugged him, smiling as he kissed back. It was clear Gibbs sent him, and it was clear he had chosen you, and that felt damn amazing.

Dinozzo - You two had been dating for a month and it was going amazing! That is why Dinozzo chickened out. He told you, over the phone that you two were done and then he did not speak to you for three days and in those three days you cried and cried, blaming yourself. But it only took three days for Dinozzo to show up at your house apologising. "Hey, I know you probably hate me, but I got scared, I've never been in love with someone before and it's scary" He had rambled on. You just smiled shyly and led him to your bed and cuddled all night.

Palmer - You were dating for one year and 8 months. It was going great! Apart from the fact that Palmer seemed so nervous around you and seemed to be hiding something. You tried to confront him and once you asked what was wrong he just said "let's break up" and you just stood there for a minute, frozen in both feet and shock, before leaving and going home. You did not come into work for a week and a half and that's when Palmer called. Palmer had been panicking the whole week and a half and it took two of Ducky's long story's and one of Gibbs's meetings in the elevator to calm him enough to call you. He said to meet him at the park so you did and could not help but smile. Palmer had set up a cute little picnic and he wore a cute suit. He apologised for everything and you two got back together instantly and then he told you why he had been so nervous. He was hiding that he wanted you to move in and when you asked what was wrong, he got so nervous that he said that he wanted to break. You agreed to move in of course and could not help but find Palmer s cute in his little blue tuxedo.

Abby - Abby and you had been dating for 4 months. And it was another day in the lab. And you two were fighting. Again. You thought that maybe there were two people injured at the scene because there was too much blood for a stabbing of a single person, but Abby disagreed, and you were fighting. That is when Gibbs walked in and you shut up. Not wanting to get shouted at in front of Gibbs and being fed up with arguing, you stood up, took your lab coat, and badge off, placed them on the desk and looked at Abby. "We are done and I'm quieting, goodbye" was all you said as you left. You were mad and pissed. All you guys seemed to do was argue. And you hated it so much. You regretted that as soon as you got in your car and started to cry. But you just drove off, knowing Gibbs would turn up at your house sometime soon, probably to yell at you. And he did. At about 2 am when you were sat on the couch staring at the wall, tears running down your face. Gibbs picked your lock and walked in, starting to tell you how upset Abby is and that you two are perfect for each other. Once he leaves you go to Abby's and when she opens the door you two just hug. You mumbled a sad apology through tears, and she promised to try not to fight as much.

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