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Valentine's day

Gibbs - It was valentine's day and Gibbs had not said anything. Not that you minded too much. You two were not very touchy feely but you had gotten him a gift, so you were waiting for him to say something first. So, when you got home and he had cooked you a lovely meal you smiled widely and kissed his cheek, thanking him before eating and chatting together. After the meal was over you both sat on the couch and gave another your gifts. You had gotten him a nice new set of carving tools and he had gotten you the chucky box set as you two both enjoyed watching horror films together. The rest of the night was spent watching threw all the chucky films. Your perfect night.

McGee - McGee never knew what to do for valentine's day. He did not know whether you wanted something big and romantic or small and fun, so he always did the same thing. Take out, video games and cuddles. Who would not love that? When it is time for gifts you got him and new video game and a brand-new gaming pc and he got you a Nintendo switch with animal crossing. You both enjoyed the gifts and spent the rest of the night playing with your new toys. (Don't be dirty minded)

Dinozzo -This was Dinozzo on valentine's day, so you were not surprised when he had gotten you two a lovely reservation at one of the most expensive restaurants in the state. After your meal you walked through the small park where you two had shared your first date and then went back to his for movies and wine. He then gave you a present and you gave him one. He got you a lovely instax mini camera and you got him a fancy watch.

Palmer - Palmer had 5 panic attacks and 2 melt downs trying to figure out what to do for valentine's day so he went to McGee for help. When McGee said to do something that you would like he thought for 4 days straight before getting the idea. And you thought it was cute. He had taken you to the beach for a walk. He had been so nervous, and you could tell so you gave him his gift. Then he nervously gave you yours. You had gotten him some new running shoes as Jimmy was working out more, even though you told him he didn't need too, and he got you a huge baggy hoodie and you lived it because it smelt like him. He had sprayed some of his cologne on it and said he wanted you too always know he was there and you thought he was adorable and you put it on right then and there.

Abby - Your day consisted of hugs, kisses, and presents. Five of them. One was a new book, one was some black roses, one was a new hoodie, one was some chocolate and one was some new black boots. And you felt bad because you had only got Abby two things, but she kept saying it was fine. So, you gave her gift and she loved it. You had gotten her a beautiful black dress that had a skirt like bottom and some new chunky black boots that went up to her knees with Velcro instead because you knew she hated having to do laces on her other ones. She put the outfit in immediately and she looked beautiful in it. Well, she looked beautiful in everything.

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