🌊🌊 Being Jimmys Kid Would Include 🌊🌊

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Being Jimmys Kid Would Include

- You and Jimmy hang out after work and watch Star Wars and Atypical on Netflix

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- You and Jimmy hang out after work and watch Star Wars and Atypical on Netflix.

- You hang out with Dinozzo and Ducky, With Dinozzo you watch films, With Ducky you go to museums and enjoy his stories.

- Your first memory of your dad was when you fell off the swings and he came over, scooped you up and hugged you too his chest, then he got you an ice-cream to make you feel better.

- You have a huge phobia of Autopsy and luckily your dad understands so you normally go and hang out with Dinozzo.

- You two love Christmas, you go to Ducky's for lunch and give gifts there then you have everyone over at yours in the evening and give them there gifts, you love it!

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