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After a fight with Abby, and when you guys finally made up, you too figured out the case together

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After a fight with Abby, and when you guys finally made up, you too figured out the case together. (Dating)

You were currently sulking at your desk. You had fought with Abby earlier over something stupid that you had already forgotten, but for some reason you were just really sad about it, and Gibbs had noticed. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat next to you. Gibbs treated you like his kid, and you thanked him for that as you hadn't had a great up bringing, so having Gibbs as your kind of adopted Dad was nice. "Me and Abby had a fight" you said shrugging lightly, the sad face still on display for everyone to see. "Oh, well maybe you should go and make up? Then you can help on the case instead of sulking, plus, I hate it when you and/or Abby are sad. You two know that" he said with a kiss to your forehead as he left, probably to get coffee. You smiled at his little speech then got up and headed down to Abbys Lab. "Hey" you said quietly, spotting her sat at her desk. "I um- can I come in?" You asked as she nodded in response. "I'm sorry about earlier baby, I hate when we fight! You know that! I just- I guess I was stressed by the case" You rambled slightly, fiddling with your fingers. Abby nodded and quietly got out her seak, hugging you tightly, and kissing your cheek. "I'm sorry too! I'm stressed as well and I didn't mean to start a fight!" She said sadly, frowning. "Make up?" You asked gently, making Abby nod happily, then you two shared a kiss. Which gave you an idea about the case. "Abby! I just had an epiphany! What if the victim fell out with his brother! He doesn't have an alibi!" You said, then continued to talk about the case together, soon forgetting the fight happened.

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