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Gibbs - Gibbs had always hoped that his job would never end up hurting you. That you would always be safe but that changed when you were taken by a lead suspect in rape and murder cases. The guy and taken you and shoved you in a shed and it had taken three whole days for Gibbs and the team to even find you, but you were so glad they did. Over those three days you were so scared and so was Gibbs. No one slept until they found you and Gibbs had not eaten or drank anything but coffee until he knew you were safe. They had found you because of the suspect exposing himself. But that did not matter to Gibbs. Nothing else matters at this moment. When he saw you tears ran down his face as he picks you up and hugged you to his chest, kissing your forehead. "It's okay now baby, it's okay, I'm here" your dad said gently, and you cried as he hugged you. You were so happy they found you. So so happy. And your dad got Ducky to check over you, clean you up a bit. And ducky did. He cleaned your face and made sure you were okay, and except from a few scrapes you were fine. You refused to leave you dads side for three months after that, you were too scared to even stay in another room then him and he understood that. He did not mind; he had his baby back and that's all that matters.

Dinozzo - Your dad had 18 panic attacks and passed out twice from not eating and drinking, all within the time span of two weeks. Fourteen days where he did not know where you were. Did not know if you were okay. Did not know if you were alive. Did not know if he would ever see you again. And he blamed himself. The last time he saw you was when you argued about what you were wearing, "those shorts are to short!" He yelled at you, and you left and went on a walk. What No one anticipated was that you would never come back from the walk. You had been kidnapped when you were halfway back from your house. Halfway from your dad. So close. And yet in a whole night everything changed. It took two whole weeks to find you and you were scared. You had cried and cried and screamed and screamed but you were in the middle of a dark forest in an old shack. No one was going to save you. At least that is what you thought. Instead, your dad and Grandad Gibbs burst through the door and your dad ran over too you, hugging you tightly. They had found you. "H-Hi dad" you whisper as you clung onto him tightly. "I was so scared" you said, and he just holds you and lets you know it is all okay. And he would not let you leave the house for a week.

McGee - It was a nice normal case. You had gone with McGee and the team because you could not stay at the office, but you did not mind. You sat in the car with your phone on call with your dad so if he needed to ask you to research something you could, your laptop ready and on your lap. Until someone opened the door next to you and you screamed. Your dad would hear it on your call. "Dad!!!!!!! Man- Black hair, looks like tony-" you said but before you could finish, he put his hand around your mouth and dragged you away while you kicked and screamed. But by the time everyone got there you were gone and there was no trace of him there. All they had to go on was that the guy looked like tony. Not great but they would do what they could. And it took six months. Six months full of agony and pain. Then they found you. You were in an old abandoned warehouse in the middle of California. Cuts, scratches, bruises, and broken bones but you still managed to stay awake. When you heard the familiar voice of your dad and the team. You smiled weakly as McGee knelt confront of you. "Hey, hey baby, I'm so sorry it took so long, we have help coming okay. Just stay awake for me, it's all okay now" he said and kissed your forehead. You nodded, even though you were dehydrated, starving and tired you stayed awake just long enough for the Ambulance to get there. When you woke up you were met by your dad in a chair slouched down. "H-Hey" you whisper, and he sat up and smiled widely. "Your awake! I was so worried, we all were, I'm so sorry it took so long to find you baby, I swear that will never happen again" he rambled, and you hugged him tightly. "I love you" he whispers as you whisper back "I love you too". It took 3 months for you to get out of the hospital and 4 for you to feel good enough and safe enough to even get in a car, but you knew that you had everyone's help and support every step of the way.

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